Date: March 11 2024 5:11 PM Title: Chapter 1
One of my favorite stories!
Date: May 25 2023 10:25 PM Title: Chapter 1
After you started posting “Man of the House”, I checked out your other stories and rediscovered this little gem. After re-reading it, the latter chapters have really started to grow on me. I know you were having some issues coming up with an ending, but I was wondering if you planned to ever actually finish. Maybe you could have Mike start to regrow and have Vicki fulfill her dildo fantasy?
Date: October 11 2022 8:17 AM Title: Chapter 1
I'm still surprised that Michelle is still teasing him to give him the train because if he shrinks too much then he'll be useless for the research plus you should make it worth Vicky actually does something to Michelle to make you know Michael's words hey stay away from her she's bad news be right and then she feels kind of bad because even though he was a dick when he was taller he was still a big brother and protected her and tried to get her to like bulk up to defend herslef
Date: October 08 2022 10:32 PM Title: Chapter 1
It depends what type of eating if you want a good ending for the main character have it where eventually he grows back but he's a nicer person he doesn't get angry as quickly with his sister or he has like deep thoughts in his head about how his sister treated him and maybe have the sister feel bad for him and basically take care of him since she's working at that company and probably making a lot of money another thing you could have him grow back to maybe like 5 ft because you shrink too much and then it also have you know his sister take care of him cuz she feels bad cuz she's responsible for it
If you want a bad ending beer we're basically he can't grow back at all and he's got to live with all the other little males a plot twist could be his girlfriend a forgives him because she realized that he was basically taking advantage of and he lives with her in her dorm
A bad ending could be where you just make him a slave to his sister because of the way it's going now his girlfriend doesn't want anything to do with them he's too small for Vicky
Date: October 08 2022 8:51 PM Title: Chapter 1
First I'd like to know how his sister knew that he got blown by his ex second is going to be interesting when he's like that small how his sister's going to react is she going to tell his girlfriend the truth that was her fault and I wonder how she'll feel if he was stuck like that forever and I wonder if he would even want to live like that I'm surprising out of the shrunk and then have tried to kill themselves
Author's Response:
Sister didnt know about the BJ, but she knew something happened because he had shrunk even more.
Date: October 08 2022 5:35 PM Title: Chapter 1
I like where this is going! Awesome story
Date: October 08 2022 1:48 AM Title: Chapter 1
hopefully someone saves him... and he's not too small for Vicky >:D This is an amazing premise and story so far!
Date: October 06 2022 4:36 AM Title: Chapter 1
Need to see more giant male Humiliation like in chapter 10! Great story so far!
Date: October 03 2022 3:58 AM Title: Chapter 1
I really like the setting. The sister and girlfriend are great. but it’s way too slow with the shrinking
Author's Response:
Don't worry, it'll speed up soon
Date: October 02 2022 11:28 PM Title: Chapter 1
It's a great story. I love your themes round about humiliation, tits and power shift.
Please continue your work!
It's hard to suggest an ending, because we just have 8 chapters, but I hope Michelle continues to grow (height and boobs) and she makes her brother her pet or slave. What about Cindy? Will she grow too? Perhaps she can shrink as well and Michelle makes both of them her slaves. Or when Michelle grows to about 7 feet she can dominate Cindy at her current height. Or Cindy and Michelle fell in love and make the brother to their little slave...