Reviews For Deliverance
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Reviewer: Hamadao Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 02 2024 6:08 PM Title: Two Sisters

I love this journey so much!!!

Reviewer: LewdSensei Signed [Report This]
Date: September 26 2022 1:37 AM Title: Two Sisters

What a wild ride this has definitely been quite the experience of a story I’m so thankful to you for giving this to the public to read and enjoy I’ve been on this sight since I was 14 I’m 19 now and I can say this has been top 3 stories I’ve read on this sight I will definitely be tuned in to see what happens next

Author's Response:

I'm overwhelmed by the amount of high praise I've received! So many people have told me this is in their top stories on the entire site, and to have Deliverance be compared to masterpieces is really heartwarming to me. Thank you so much!

Reviewer: Divediveburners Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 24 2022 6:18 PM Title: Two Sisters

What a chronicle! Full of ups and downs, cynicism and idealism, plot and ...uh.... "plot". You sure have "Delivered" an epic for the ages.

Her reuniting with Byung-ho, I could definitely see echoes of Zuko's reconciliation with Uncle Iroh. It was probably the best way ever to use that reference. It flowed like leaves on a vine. (Now that I think of it, Grace from the previous chapter reminded me of Ozai for some reason, or maybe Azula)

If there's one gripe with this entire story, I did think the penultimate conflict with Satsuki (Kiryuin) was resolved way too quickly. I guess having that battle right after the resolution with Grace would have been too much.

Still, overall, fantastic finish, and I look forward to the epilogue.

Author's Response:

Jisoo's reunion took heavy inspiration from that scene, and like Iroh, Byung-ho never harbored any resentment towards Jisoo and neither did Tae-yeon. Likewise Grace has her Azula moment by talking into the mirror, but like Ozai has a chat in prison. It's a way for Jisoo to let go of her 'fake family' which comprises of Grace, Lihua and the others whilst reconciling with her real family whom she abandoned.

And I definitely would have drawn out the storyline of spirits and Satsuki's overall plan (there are several unwritten sections I removed) but the battle between Satsuki and Jisoo didn't really fit the overall tone of the story since it involved mass city-wide destruction across many continents and would leave so many more loose ends. Satsuki was more of a background villain for most of the story, pulling strings and more time had to be dedicated towards the primary antagonist (Grace). But I agree, I could have handled it much better.

But thank you so much for the continued feedback and support! I can't wait to write future entries into this series

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 24 2022 5:52 PM Title: Two Sisters

I look forward to that epilogue.  Although, I doubt it can leave me as pleasantly misty-eyed as this penultimate chapter did.  Bravo!  And thanks for sharing this with us. :-)

Author's Response:

The epilogue is fairly short! It's meant to be a bit of an update into what the lives of the main characters is like several years later. Originally it was the true ending but it felt much more fitting for Two Sisters to be the proper final chapter.

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