Date: July 21 2022 4:48 AM Title: Descendant of Gods
I think I underestimated Jisoo's power level given what she's doing in this chapter. Also, while this is climactic, it also feels anti-climactic given that the plot has been essentially resolved. Part of me was hoping the Amrita Corporation would execute Operation Deliverance early and while Jisoo would defeat her family, it would be a pyrrhic victory as the mass shrinking causes more damage than even the Amrita Corp. anticipated and they get wrecked by Jisoo and everyone has to try to salvage what they can. But that's just my fondness for twists and bittersweet endings.
I was not expecting Jisoo to go full giant like she did here but it certainly does work since it can't be covered up. Her newfound power is way greater than I expected but given the title of the chapter I suppose it says something about her ancestry. There will be plenty for Jisoo and her sister to do even after this and some tearful reunions I hope. And Satsuki, you little schemer. That smells like a sequel with what she's cooking up.
Author's Response: That would be a great ending too in my personal opinion! There's still one more big 'thing' remaining in the story that has to do with Satsuki which I've had building up in some of her scenes before now, and the next few chapters focus on both how Jisoo doing all of this unknowingly works in Satsuki's favor. We've got a few more twists before this one is over but the finale is within sight for Deliverance, as crazy as it is to say.
Date: July 20 2022 11:58 PM Title: Descendant of Gods
"Plots within plans," eh?
Satsuki, you vixen! What are you up to, now?
Author's Response:
Satsuki has been the most sus person this entire story and now that the main antagonist of the past arc is dethroned, it's time to see what she's been cooking up since she was introduced! This is a very different part of the plot which really does change the narrative focus and has a lot to do with the history of the Fang Sisters, how they got all their power, and of course, how accurate your theories were about the Japanese/Chinese internal schism within the Amrita Corporation.