Reviews For The biggest bitch in cell block B
Reviewer: vegetaboy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 09 2022 1:05 PM Title: Chapter 4: G37 trial - Week 4 part 2
Author's Response:
Date: September 09 2022 1:05 PM Title: Chapter 4: G37 trial - Week 4 part 2
Realized how many chapters I have to catch up on, so I am going to be bingeing the remaining ones now.
This chapter was great, super hot content with Vasquez and Jennifer.
(Vasquez is still my favourite character)
You wrote it so well and just picturing the hulking muscled form of Vasquez and the interaction with Jennifer (and of course, the sexual interaction) was really well written.
Author's Response:
Hey! You gve me my first review :) It's good to see your return!
Thank you for the kind words. It's probably a bit crappy of me to say but it's probably pretty obvious that Vasquez is my favourite character too. I'm glad you're enjoying the interactions and Vasquez being big and mean ;)
You'll probably enjoy the end of week 5 as well, so happy binging!