Date: July 03 2022 9:59 PM Title: Fall From Grace Part 3
Even after everything she's done, I can't help but pity Grace. She lacked what Jisoo had, and that's a drive to become a better person. Grace knows that she's a monster. She can lie as much as she wants, disguise the truth in any way she sees it, and even deny it to her last breath. But she knows that she is one. Whether she lives or dies it'll come about because of her actions. So, I pity her. That said I cannot resist saying this.
Get, and I cannot stress this enough, FUCKED
Author's Response:
Grace this entire time has deep down resented Jisoo because she was living proof that even a monster can change if they have the heart for it, but Grace due to a combination of her upbringing and personal moral failures could never cross the boundary to the 'light side' and sought to drag Jisoo down with her if that's what it took. It was important to make sure she was not so despicable throughout the story that she was hated completely by the reader, but also enough of a villain that her downfall was satisfying.
Thank you for the kind words!
Date: July 03 2022 12:47 AM Title: Fall From Grace Part 3
I almost (repeat: ALMOST) feel sorry for Grace. Poetic justice is always harsh...but appropriate.
Author's Response:
It was important for Grace to not feel like a completely one dimensional, evil person throughout the story while not making her so redeemable that her downfall would not be cathartic. I'm sure she has her fair share of fans since early on she was a source of the best erotic content and harsh justice on some other characters, but as time went on I believe she's proven herself as someone who cannot really be redeemed and this was the best course of action Jisoo could have taken while not compromising her newfound appreciation for human life.
Thank you for the review as always!
Date: July 02 2022 2:25 AM Title: Fall From Grace Part 3
Really love this chapter! I was at the edge of my seat throughout its entirety. It made me really love who Jisoo as a character has become. Seeing Grace at her most savage makes me really excited for the next installment with recent developments and all.
Author's Response:
Jisoo's development has been really fun and satisfying as an author, she's my favorite character of the story and I am thrilled others have come to appreciate what sort of person she is after her character development arcs over the past year.
This chapter has been one I have looked forward to the most since the beginning of this story and it was amazing to finally have it published, thank you for the feedback!
Date: July 01 2022 10:07 PM Title: Fall From Grace Part 3
Ohhhhh Grace is gonna get it! I don't mind her getting eaten, but why not have Grace shove her up her enormous butt instead?
Author's Response:
Considering her newfound abilities which have opened up an entire new genre of giantess interaction, look forward to all manner of fun shenanigans Jisoo will get up to now that she is an actual giantess!