Date: May 22 2022 10:00 PM Title: Chapter 17: New Faces, Both Good and Bad
Hello, my fellow Readers, my Esteemed Author.
I enjoy seeing yet again another chapter of this story. I’m curious as to who might the Pandoras of Michael are inspired by. One character that comes to mind is Lora Croft, but the others are a mystery to me.
Good descriptions all around. Shame what happened to Michael, but I hope we get to see more of him and his partners. Interested to see what this young man’s personality is like.
Honestly, I thought we were going to see Miyabi here, given her actions in canon, but call me surprised.
I’m definitely with Satellizer on the danger of the three bullies. Something ain’t right about them, and I’m getting the vibe of the psychopath assassins sent by Chevalier to ‘deal’ with Gengo later in canon. Going to want to keep an eye on them. What is especially concerning is that the three were confident enough in either their strength, usefulness, ignorance of others, or a combination of the three to attempt something like this. Given their overall abilities, a Pandora’s body alone is classifiable as a lethal weapon from every conceivable angle, (ignoring their Volt Weapons, Volt Texture, and Pandora Mode) so Petty and her backup could reasonably be charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon, along with the Intimidation with a Deadly Weapon/ Unlawful Use of Force. And if a fight actually broke out, and Michael was hurt, or worse killed in the crossfire regardless of who did it, there is a chance that (depending on the laws that govern West Genetics) the three could even be charged with some variation of Manslaughter or 3rd Degree Murder.
This raises some serious red flags, both about the nature of the Pandoran system and Chevalier ranks, and how well humanity is actually fairing against the Nova if people like Petty are allowed to remain in the system, given that over half of the world’s female population is capable of undergoing the transformation.
More importantly, we have our first overt display of supernatural ability! Was that merely as basic Accel, or perhaps a more advanced one, given that Kazuya wouldn’t have the ability to even perceive their movements right now? From what I remember, Illusion Turn is, in a practical sense, outright teleportation, and thus instant, but is an extremely rare High-End Skill even for Third Years. If a simple Accel that any Third Year can get her hands on can pull off what was shown, then wow. That would radically changed quite a few professions once Pandora start entering public sphere.
A thought just occurred to me. As mentioned above, 50% (at minimum) of the world can make the change but is this ALL women, or simply girls being born after the introduction of the Pandora system. Is it even possible to introduce Stigmata to an already adult woman and have her successfully become a Pandora?
That is all I can say for now. Curious to see what their next class will be, and who the next group of Pandora Transfers are.
Good Day.
Author's Response:
Once again, I'm a little taken back by how lengthy and detailed this review is (though certainly pleased that my story has kept your attention thus far). Here are some answers/explanations for your inquiries:
Regarding the new Pandoras I've inserted thus far (and their Limiter), there will be more about them in the next chapter. I don't want to give too much away, other than saying that this latest batch of Pandoras are basically video game characters that I've re-imagined and inserted into the Freezing universe. I'll leave on this one hint they all have in common: Ubisoft.
Sorry about there being no Miyabi. My mind twists and turns with what I plan to write about (usually on a whim), so I figured that I'd give her some quality character introduction on the next chapter, given how much I gave to these new characters.
You're definitely onto Petty and the other two. I basically decided to rehash their backgrounds so that they're students at West Genetics upon Kazuya's arrival. I'm still considering how big a role I'll have for them in the chapters to come (wanna leave myself some wiggle room on where to go with them).
On the matter of the new transfers, it'll still be a little bit until they show up (though I'll try to speed up time so that they show up sooner rather than later).
As to the broader questions, I'll confess that I've yet to set more detailed parameters as to how the world operates with Pandoras and Chevalier fit into the equation. For now, my supposition is largely thus (unless I elaborate with more detail in future chapters): Unless Pandoras are basically kept under lock and key by the apparatus of Chevalier and Genetics, then they're bound to interact as they do with the broader public from time to time (as shown here and there in the anime/manga). The only real difference here is their size, which I admit would probably have a lot of normal-sized people getting pretty nervous at the thought of living in a world with several amazons averaging between 10 and 12 feet in height. The general assumption I'm riding with is that most Pandora are generally good and law-abiding (with exceptions here and there embodied in those like Petty and her cohorts, of course).
I'll admit that you have me stymied on the topic of variations of Acceleration. I'll have to revisit the Freezing wiki to re-educate myself on the finer points and elaborate on that in future chapters. And as for compatibility of women who can become Pandora, I'll try to have something more conclusive elaborated on that as well, though it probably won't be for few chapters I confess. I'm still focused largely on character development and emotional connections between Kazuya and his harem (which isn't even at its full capacity yet...I know, I'm being greedy, but the title does have the words "Big Harem" in it, in my defense.
Hope that answers some questions, and looking forward to your own fanfiction whenever you're ready to put it out there for everyone to read.