Date: May 01 2022 5:33 AM Title: Chapter 14: Getting to Know You
Greetings, my fellow Readers and esteemed Author.
I Wouldn’t call it prudish to be concerned over being unable to wrap thine head around the idea that in less then a week, more a day, you now have about a dozen Amazonian Supersoldiers practically smothering you with love and affection from out of nowhere. And the concern about not being able to fully provide a loving relationship to each is something to consider. Favorites will naturally form and there will be fallouts between Kazuya and one of the girls, or between the girls themselves. It is inevitable in any relationship for problems to arise, and this Kazuya certainly comes off as someone who doesn’t want to break their hearts or hurt them emotionally. (Let’s just ignore what the potential danger of jilting a PANDORA could entail for later…)
Saying that situation would take getting used to is an understatement, especially if Kazuya wants to maintain that standard of being a gentleman while still working with his Pandoran partner’s desires. That each woman wants to be there is sure to put some relief in Kazuya. Though given that they are still technically military personnel/assets and Gengo in the background up to something no doubt, there’s always going to be a bit of ambiguity whether their choice was “I volunteered” or “I got Volunteered” would put that worry right back.
Good to see that the girls, while certainly very open with Kazuya, are trying to pump the breaks and not go full hog on our poor little limiter. There definitely are going to have to keep an eye on each other so they don’t try to pull too quickly ahead, if Satellizers reactions are anything to go by. Though I would find it chuckle worthy if it was one the serious girls like Ingrid who cracks first and tries to move past Third base and straight to home.
Looking forward to seeing how the school works.
A humble request would be that Kazuya has a dude friend, or two. Every Harem Protag-kun needs a fellow bro to commiserate with when not with their love interests on occasion. It’ll let Kazuya (and the viewer) get a breath of fresh air, before getting back to real meat of the story.
My apologies for grammar mistakes uncaught.
That’s all for now. Stay safe Jim.
Good Day.
Author's Response:
Once again, I'm a bit knocked over by the level of detail in this review. Here's my response to at least some of it:
I'll confess that when I started this project, I sort of aimed high in giving Kazuya a rather large harem (of which it's not even yet complete). The risk in taking that route is somewhat limited character development and interaction between Kazuya and his many, many partners. Without giving too much away, I kind of planned things out where Kazuya ends up being shared and the Pandoras "take turns" with him both in and out of the bedroom to make a somewhat level playing field. Some might see that as taking an easy way out in terms of storytelling, but I've seen that route done in other harem-themed works of fanfiction (successfully, in my opinion).
I appreciate your take on analyzing the emotional conundrum Kazuya finds himself in. While a lot of guys would probably be jumping like a kid on Christmas Day being surrounded by so many presents, I'm trying to present Kazuya as a guy who doesn't just think with his lower member. From what I've seen of the Freezing manga/anime series, Kazuya is a gentleman at heart, so I'm trying to have him act as such in this fanfiction and pursue meaningful relationships with his partners and care about their feelings as women and not simply proverbial notches to add to his belt, so to speak.
Glad you're enjoying the interactions and playful competition I have going on between the Pandoras. Sometimes it's tricky on whom I want the spotlight to be on between the women in each chapter. It usually ends up being big group outings and me determining which Pandora is going to speak as the scene plays out in my head as I'm typing it out. I'll try to remedy that in the future by having smaller numbers of characters per chapter, for the sake of further character development and meaningful interaction between Kazuya and each of his partners on an individual basis.
As for having a male friend in the midst of all of this, I have an idea cooking up on that end to help Kazuya get some perspective and how Limiters see things from their end.
Anyways, I'm glad that this story is getting such rich and detailed reviews from you. Hopefully, I'll keep your attention with this project of mine. Thanks again for reading.