Date: April 13 2022 4:51 AM Title: Recollection Pt. 2
Oh-ho! So specks can play mind games, too? Excellent plot twist! :-)
Even better is the bonding that's going on between Jisoo and her half-sister. If only because it contrasts quite nicely with the unsettling change in behavior of Satsuki. I mean, one moment she's all about brainwashing Eren. The next moment, she acts as if that was low-priority, all along.
Even for a multi-tasker, that seems like too abrupt a change in emotion. From sadistically obsessed to just plain extremely indifferent. Maybe Satsuki is preoccupied with something that could be called a hidden agenda. But, if so, what?
My guess: there's a schism brewing within Amrita. One that's probably going to occur along racial lines! As in, the Japanese branch of the family is no longer going to take a back seat to the Chinese branch.
Author's Response:
Satsuki absolutely has her own agenda, and she hasn't gotten many chapters solely dedicated to her or what she's been up to during the time-skips throughout the year so who knows what she's doing!
Date: April 10 2022 5:06 PM Title: Recollection Pt. 2
Man am I glad Eren and Maeve are fighters, they had me worried for a second there. I wonder how long it'll take Jisoo to realize just how wrong her assumption is because I really just want to see them together again. Hopefully her sister will continue trying to convince her that hope is not lost for her.
Author's Response:
They're definitely very resilient. In order to reach adulthood as a speck in the United States you have to be very strong-willed, much more so than anybody we've seen before with maybe the exception being Thomas.