Reviews For Deliverance
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: March 25 2022 3:33 AM Title: Reprogrammed: Part 2

Well, seeing as you've already used "Retribution" and "Revenge," for previous chapters, my only alternate suggestions would have to be "Rectification" or "Role Reversal."

And the former sounds a little too tame.

Author's Response:

We are beginning to run out of appropriate R words so I will absolutely jot down any suggestions lol. This all started because the original name for the story was ‘Rescue’ but I changed it literally last minute but have kept the R theme going over a year later 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: March 20 2022 4:20 PM Title: Reprogrammed: Part 2

Oh, how she's going to pay for this when Jisoo gets back!  A chapter you should honestly entitle... "Fall From Grace."

Author's Response:

If I ever decide to deviate from the 'every chapter starts with R' rule then i will absolutely do that!

Reviewer: lightwing Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19 2022 11:24 PM Title: Reprogrammed: Part 2

Whoa, getting pretty dark here aren't we Grace?  Part of me kind of hopes for a twist in the plot, like Grace goes too far and Eren loses his will to live and dies.  Then Grace has a moment of actual panic because she broke her work to Jisoo and did something she can't just fix, bribe, disappear, or say "get over it".  As always "gone horribly right" is the trope I'm thinking off.

Author's Response: Oooh and what a twist that would be!

Reviewer: Lupin Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 19 2022 11:22 PM Title: Reprogrammed: Part 2

Everytime I read a Grace chapter it just makes me want to see her suffer. I know its unlikely but I'm really hoping to see her in agony. I really love this story but this chapter is a bit too similar to the last one for me. I just want the plot to pick up the pace but that's just me. I can't really handle seeing Eren undergoing cock and ball torture this severe lol.

Author's Response:

I think Grace's chapters have had the most erotica content in them but also some of the most cruel moments as well, she's definitely shaping up to be the primary antagonistic force now! 

Originally Reprogrammed was one chapter but I felt it forced several weeks worth of in-universe time into a single chapter which didn't quite seem right, so it was broken up into two and left off with a cliffhanger on the first one since I wanted to give a bit more focus to Maeve in the second iteration. Way back when I was drafting the outline for Deliverance, this particular part of the story where Eren gets tortured by Grace was going to be like five or six chapters but then I realized 'wow that might get very repetitive and kind of depressing to just have that happen endlessly' so I glossed over some of the worst things she did to him but had it be mentioned. Reading your review i'm very happy I made that change and there were only these two to worry about!

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