Date: March 03 2022 11:28 AM Title: Rule
Their success is predetermined, huh?
Yeah, right! And the Mongolian research center was totally impenetrable to intruders.
Author's Response: Pride comes before fall as they say!

Date: February 28 2022 5:49 PM Title: Rule
Wow, wow. That really was intense. Maddie's position is more than clear. After all how could you forgive someone who literally destroyed your life. It's sad and ironic to think that just a short time ago Maddie had admiration for Jisoo. Here in my country we have a saying that goes:
No one knows the turns that life takes
I didn't like that last thing that happened. If Grace heard Eren's conversation, that doesn't look good at all. It could be confirmation of what Satsuki said regarding Eren. And now there is no Jisoo to save him. As I said before, it is David against Goliath. And he is a huge and powerful Goliath. I don't know who or what could be the slingshot that brings him down. Still, I definitely think the humanity in this story needs a lesson. I think that Amrita's dream is not so bad if we consider what the humanity of this story does with the special. The problem itself is the means they uses to reach their goal and the way they see themselves. The gods do not feel the pleasures of the flesh as they do, they do not consider life as something so trivial. Life itself is something divine and therefore is above any desire they have. That same concept has to be learned not only by Amrita but also by the humanity of this story. I think that was the message that Jisoo's sister tried to convey during the reincarnation.
Only part of this story I consider evil. That damn suspense hahahahaha.
Na. It's a joke Kardo keep it up. Very good literary work as always. It's amazing how much you can learn from it.
Author's Response:
That's a very good point about Suji, she definitely believes in the importance of human life and feels guilt over 'her' actions from a past life. It will definitely be a long time before Maddie gets over what happened to her, but at least she's safe : )