Reviews For Freezing: Kazuya Aoi and His Big Harem, Volume 1
Reviewer: silentsilent17 Signed 

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Date: February 06 2022 3:52 AM Title: Chapter 9: First Day of Class
Author's Response:

Date: February 06 2022 3:52 AM Title: Chapter 9: First Day of Class
Come on man :" this just so unfair for us male this rate all of the top female even the teachers will love him. Tbh i want to rate this with 1 since im so jealous but yeah cant deny this chapter is too good for me so 10/10 for sure
Author's Response:
In my defense, the story's title has "big harem" in it, so yeah, Kazuya is going to end up being quite the ladies man throughout this story. Anyway, glad you enjoyed this chapter.