Date: January 14 2022 3:22 AM Title: Reception
The old poem is right.
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
Author's Response:
Very true quote as well! I also like the old saying to describe this as well. "You reap what you sow."
Date: January 11 2022 11:41 PM Title: Reception
Satsuki brings up some very good points. I have to admit I wasn't expecting her to point out these hypocrisies. It's either an act on her part or she genuinely knows it's all hypocrisy and that's why she's so frigid. And good for Eren that he's actually being made to think about these things. If the Amrita Corp. does care about specks and has the influence to casually appoint political leaders and dictate policy, why allow specks to go mistreated?
And Maddie, oh dear. She woke up from her bigotry when she saw the speck commune but it seems she never realized that everyone else did not see what she did. Her casual brushing off of everyone else as bigots while she used to be just like them is a pride thing she needs to work out. If she changed her views on specks just by going to a commune, how many other "bigots" can see the truth like her? Good on Giulia for pointing that out.
Author's Response:
Very fair assessment of Satsuki! She definitely comes off as a very combative person but perhaps there is a reason for that. It's very possible that she's simply sick of the high and mighty attitude of her family when she isn't blinded by their supposed glory.
Date: January 10 2022 9:33 PM Title: Reception
Very nearing the point of no return here. With Ruiwen close to one of her targets, under orders of Jisoo no less, and Maddie so near then things are almost certainly going to spiral out of control.
And this is why you gotta let bygones be bygones Jisoo. Shoulda listened to Eren. Now we are so close to an issue that could be avoided had you never given that order.
Really noticed how plenty of the Fang ladies go on about how what they do is for the benefit of the world, only to give in to their vices in the name of the "greater good". Sounds like some people ain't practicing what they preach lol.
"Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption" -Wes Fesler
Maybe their intentions were good at one point but they've definitely fallen to some of the seven sins yessir.
Great chapter as always Kardo. I always look forward to when you update.
Author's Response:
There are lots of things that would never have happened if Jisoo had managed to let things go, right from the beginning if she had listened to Eren and not gone after Mikayla, Alice and Sylvia it's very possible she and Eren would have had a comparably 'normal' relationship. The Fang ladies are definitely revealing their true colors as more about them is revealed! When they aren't 'arbiters of justice' their moral ethics are very questionable to say the least.
Thank you for the feedback!
Date: January 10 2022 2:53 PM Title: Reception
Oh no. no! that's bad really bad. If that killer hurts Maddie that would be the last straw for Eren. He is already quite taken aback by what happened to Jisoo but if he finds out that a murderer on Jisoo's orders shrunk or eliminated Maddie there is no going back. Jisoo will have to choose between Eren and his family and given the state of their relationship the answer is obvious.
Author's Response:
Jisoo in the past has demonstrated that she has Eren under a spell in a way... She knows how to play with his emotions! So we will see what she comes up with, perhaps the same trick won't work twice.
Date: January 10 2022 1:48 PM Title: Reception
Oh shit! Oh fuck! Maddie is one of my favorite characters so I'm heavily dreading next chapter.
Author's Response:
Hey I'm really glad to hear that Maddie is your favorite character! I would really like to know which characters become people's favorite and least favorite as the story goes on. I'm sure Thomas was a very disliked character at first but later became more popular with some readers, and Jisoo has fluctuated quite a bit I think too! Maddie is in a interesting place where she started as a very well-liked character, then after she rebuked Eren became disliked, and now it seems she's become more popular!
Perhaps I'll do a poll sometime soon and see a leaderboard of who people like.