Reviews For Freezing: Kazuya Aoi and His Big Harem, Volume 1
Reviewer: silentsilent17 Signed 

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Date: January 03 2022 1:58 AM Title: Chapter 7: Sweet Dreams, Kazuya
Author's Response:

Date: January 03 2022 1:58 AM Title: Chapter 7: Sweet Dreams, Kazuya
Finally kazuya having the best time in his life for now, more girls will come for him so he better be prepared.
Happy new year mate, wish you all the best for 2022.
Cant wait for keitaro days too :)
Author's Response:
Glad you're enjoying things so far. Rest assured, there are plenty other Pandora who I have in mind for later chapters. For me, the trick is gauging how many Pandora I can fit in a chapter while giving them adequate time to get hot and heavy with Kazuya.
As for the Love Hina fanfic I'm working on, I should have another chapter out in the next few days. Hope it'll amuse you in equal measure.