Reviews For Deliverance
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 17 2021 2:04 AM Title: Redoubt


I did not expect such dramatic developments so soon.  I guess this is your way of giving all your readers a suitable Xmas present.  If so, I thank you, profusely.*

So, we finally get to meet Jisoo's biological mother. And she appears to be just as ruthless as her daughter!  If so, I have a bad feeling that there's going to be a showdown between them. One doubtless ordered by the three judges as a way of both avenging the Fang family's dishonor...and granting unanimous approval for the marriage. 

Interesting given name Jisoo's mom has, btw.  From what little I've read on the subject,  "Keqing" is the pinyin system of anglicized Chinese. Whereas, under the older system,  Wade/Giles, it would have been spelled something along the lines of "Kaching!"  Ah, well.

Thanks for posting these two new updates...and Happy Holidays!

*I've always wanted to use that adverb!



Author's Response:

Thanks for the feedback!

I originally got the name Keqing from Dream of the Red Chamber, which is the same source a few Fang ladies get their first names from! Daiyu and Baochai are both from that story for instance. As for how it is pronounced I do wonder how some readers say these names in their minds, but I won't try to confuse anybody and leave it all up to your best judgement lol.

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