Reviews For Deliverance
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 04 2021 6:40 PM Title: Regrets

Wow! Tae almost sounds jealous of Maddie.  Can Korean were-foxes shapeshift into green-eyed monsters, I wonder?

Author's Response:

I never thought of it that way but it's very possible! Tae has a lot of similarities to a nine-tailed fox, maybe she secretly is one?

Reviewer: lightwing Signed [Report This]
Date: November 02 2021 12:52 AM Title: Regrets

I'm so glad Maeve survived that encounter. I wonder if the cleaning lady was actually an Amrita agent sent to check on Maddie.  And Maddie, good for her she realizes her ignorance and trying to make amends.  Evidently, Jisoo has been convinced too, likely by Eren's decision, and is giving her a chance.

Also, referencing sandman579's review, he touches on a lot of good points.  The Armita group talk about their "heavenly duty" but enjoy great wealth and have a "do whatever they want and get what they want" attitude.  Jisoo's relationship with her adoptive family and her mother running off with family secrets is definitely suspicious in a "she had moral objections and fled to maybe form a resistance" sort of way.

Plus, and I mentioned this before, The whole shrinking humanity to save the world is one of those idealistic plans that has a lot of sacrifices and casualties in between.  There was another story, After Shrink High, that touched on this exact scenario.  Lots of people died due to where they or what they were doing when they shrank, infrastructure collapsed, civilization ground to a halt and regressed outside of a few designated cities in each region.  Not everyone joins the new regime, plenty of outlaws and rebels and the regime sends its normal sized agents to secretly exterminate those who don't follow them under the guise of "eliminating bandits and terrorists".  And once someone learns the truth, they have to focus on eliminating everyone who knows or risk the world rebelling and ruining their plans.  Can't kill too many people or they'll have no one to rule over.

I'm really enjoying this story.  It's much deeper and rife with lore than I expected and I love it!

Author's Response:

I have not had the chance to read that story just yet but I may very well give it a go if there are some themes that would be good inspiration for me down the road! And the secrecy aspect is of paramount importance, to make sure that you don't end up as the ruler of ashes when all is said and done. I hope you enjoy future updates!

Reviewer: Barrowman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 01 2021 6:03 PM Title: Regrets

Much enjoyment I get out of this story.

Keep going.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for the continued support!

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