Date: May 31 2023 1:50 AM Title: Chapter 1: Prologue
I really have enjoyed the story thus far and would love to see more come off it. I love the alteration to the story of the Pandoras being anywhere between 9-12 feet tall, and the fact that Kazuya has 23 so far is interesting. Keep up the good work, and I would love to see this story continue.
Date: December 16 2022 7:01 AM Title: Chapter 1: Prologue
I would like to say great work. It is nice to have a story that is all about vor, crush, death,and destruction. The height of the girls are little taller than I like but I can definitely work with it. I personally i like them to be about 8' to 12'. But the way you are playing there height off is great. I'm enjoying the story so much.
I like how the main character is trying to find answers. I also like how stand off ish he is with grandpa for with holding the info about everything. Since he's the key to this whole program. I thought I would be great story idea that he got fed up with grandpa about him with holding information and pushing to fast and hard. that he just sneaks out for a few days. Get his grandpa to worry. take a couple girls with him. Something like that. Just an idea.
Anyways keep up the good work and thank you.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the review. Glad you're enjoying it.

Date: June 15 2022 11:12 PM Title: Chapter 1: Prologue
I’m really enjoying this so far. I’ve never become so quickly invested in characters from an anime I’ve never seen haha, so you’re clearly doing a great job. Looking forward to the next update!
Author's Response:
Thank you. I'd recommend giving the first season of Freezing a watch or peruse through some of the manga if you're curious to learn more about the broader Freezing universe. Given that this is a harem fanfiction with gts elements in it (albeit somewhat minor in terms of size), that will be the main point of divergence between this little project of mine and the actual Freezing storyline. Having said all that, I'm glad this story caught your attention.

Date: May 05 2022 3:43 AM Title: Chapter 1: Prologue
Im really enjoying this i would recommend doing the anime hxh ( cant think of name fully just know its about weak mc who can fight buts weak how can charge up fighting girls with cuddling) or infinte stratos or sammuri girls with yamito
Know back to my review love the world building but got to ask the bedroom is it 1 massive bed or 1 massiblve bed with small beds in room two? Also how can a man take that much teasing in 1 day and not relive himself no mater how much of a gentleman he is its torture yet he falls asleep?!!!
Author's Response:
Glad you're enjoying this. A funny thing about the suggestions you made is that I've considered doing a similar story with Infinite Stratos (which I might assuming I bring one of my current projects to an end). And if you're talking about Majikoi Oh Samurai Girls, that's an anime that I've enjoyed but didn't consider turning into a GTS-themed fanfic, though it would be an interesting challenge to take on.
As for the other part, while my descriptive powers regarding the bedroom might leave some confusion, I intended it to be a colossal bedroom with a bed big enough to fit several dozens of Pandoras, so that there would be plenty of space for all of them to lay about without feeling cramped. Basically that means that everyone has their own pillow and blanket, should they have need of them.
Now for the last part: As for the teasing which Kazuya is undergoing, I love the sexual angst in a story like this, where one man is surrounded by a flower garden (or perhaps in this case, a forest) of towering, powerful beauties who don't mind sharing him. And while a lot of men would probably let their baser instincts take hold and start deflowering these lovely ladies (or at the very least rub one out), I prefer Kazuya to stay a gentleman as much as possible and be considerate to these women, preferring to see them as people and not as sexual trophies.
Anyway, glad you liked this enough to post a review.
Date: March 27 2022 9:22 PM Title: Chapter 1: Prologue
I've never been a big anime fan but this take catch my attention.
Author's Response:
I can't promise or guarantee anything, but I hope you'll find it amusing here and there. I'd recommend either watching the anime or viewing the manga to get a better understanding of the Freezing backstory.
Date: December 06 2021 8:54 AM Title: Chapter 1: Prologue
So that Maria barly talks at all even ignores being worshiped but is then mating some rich tech nerd all of a sudden? *shrugs* thats a pretty 180 degree turn in personal behaivor.
Author's Response:
I don't want to give away the broader Freezing plot line and spoil it for others in this response. If you want to know more about specific characters, feel free to visit the Freezing fandom web page. Here's the link.