Date: September 19 2021 2:48 PM Title: Resilience
In the immortal words of Sean Penn (as Jeff Spicoli in FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH): "Awesome! Totally awesome!!"
Author's Response:
Date: September 19 2021 1:29 PM Title: Resilience
Peace building. It's a sweet sense of anticipation for drama, revealing the dark secrets of the fake Tae. And Maddy's flash. A mocking sense of anticipation of admitting mistakes.
Most likely, I'm just too lazy to read carefully and I justify skipping huge chunks of text with disgust / apprehension / unpleasant sensation.
Anyway. The moment of revealing Tae's full past has yet to come?
Author's Response:
At the moment Tae's full past is yet to be revealed. The key bits revealed so far include her real name, the nature of her birth, bits and pieces about the reason for her self-imposed exile.
Date: September 19 2021 12:28 PM Title: Resilience
Ah see this is why I don't believe in Amrita's altruism, or at least the altruistic grand design of the family Grace teases at. She really likes inflicting pain on thers and reveling in their misery and indignant rage. Thomas first words learning what Alice has done to specks "you've tried to kill someone?" should normally already be an exoneration in and of itself. Grace was more mad Clair called cute little Eren an "it" then her investigating her cousin afterall. He also immediately accepted his speck sister instead of abandoning her. Grace can't say she's just mad he tried to punch her for thinking he's his sister's attacker and kidnapper, afterall she's involved in one of them and related to the other. He seems the complete opposite of who inner family considers against their ideals. He sees specks as people and is willing to accept and protect his sister as one in-spite of knowing she's done terrible things because he gave his word to protect her.
And yet as she beat him uncounscious, she believed people like Thomas were a threat to the world her family wants. His only sin apparently being his strong independence to their idea of everything in control. If upstanding, loyal, and protective characters like Thomas are a threat to your family's vision of world peace, what exactly does that peace entail? Everyone else diminished outside the family and loyal servants allowed to be elavated? Elimination of choice and freedoms? Obey the family's will or be crushed, literally? I have a feeling the family elders have a grand dystopia they're covering up and bedazzling as a utopia while the finer elements of how they'll control the population in the name of peace are being muddled to anyone outside the circle. I'm thinking back to how Jisoo spits on her birth mother's name for ruining her grandmother's original plan and betraying the family.
Grace slips out knowing what a speak Jisoo's face looks like gazing up at a normal in anger and frustration. I don't think that was a picture or video of Jisoo. I'm thinking Grace was literally standing over her speck cousin prior to her ascension, taking the opportunity to taunt and humiliate the little girl over her plight before revealing the truth and offering her to be reborn. I'm back to wondering who exactly retrieved Jisoo from her adoptive family and revealed to her the truth of her origins, how exactly she was conditioned to join the Amrita family, and what event drove her out. If everything about how terrible her mother is was 2nd hand accounts by Grace and her extended family or experienced by Jisoo in an ill-fated reunion. Because if Grace is this sadistic and twisted while believing she's doing the familiy's will, what's the rest of the family's inner circle like and just how evil could Jisoo's mother have been?
Also I wonder if Maddie's revelation of the plight and suffering of specks makes her do a 180 on what Eureka's robotic aids are built for. If she musters the courage to apologize to Eren and tell him about her commune experience and new understanding of speck's suffering, say she has a new vision for Eureka and offer him the chance to come back; I'm curious how Jisoo reacts and if Eren just flat refuses or considers it. I wouldn't be too surprised if Jisoo pulls strings for an Amrita subsidiary to suddenly back Maddie as a new investor; either entirely out of the blue or after Jisoo calls her back privately with the investor offer if she promises to never reach out to Eren again.
Author's Response:
For Grace, she definitely feels slighted by the gall Thomas had to verbally lash at her in broad daylight. She considers it an affront to her honor and pride that he would dare do such a thing, so feels the need to put him in his place so to speak. The fact that he is a thorn in her cousin's side and his downfall would allow Jisoo to return to the fold is simply an enjoyable side benefit, her wrath is not reserved exclusively for those who mistreat specks. Rather she will crush anybody she considers an enemy to her family or herself. Amrita absolutely has grand intentions for the world, and how altruistic or noble they are will ultimately come down to perspective as it is explored later.
As for Jisoo's mother, Keqing Chen, you raise a very good point! If the future that Grace seems to desire so intensely is built upon such tactics and there seems to be shady things going on with Amrita, then what was her sin?
Date: September 19 2021 9:33 AM Title: Resilience
Like others have pointed out, is interesting that Thomas seems to be someone who actually respects specks as people. But Grace still treats him as if he's no different to Alice. I wonder if that will play into something later on.
I'm also looking forward to Maddie storyline and how she'll develop as a character and try to redeem herself for what she did to Eren.
Off topic, but I can't wait to see the other 2 cousins that have to evaluate Eren to see if he's husband material. I'm curious if one of them might take a liking to him and even as far as develop some feelings for him, making the situation more complicated for Eren and Jisoo's marriage proposal.
Can't wait what you come up with next for the story!
Author's Response:
I'm thrilled someone actually remembered that! There are certain traditions and procedures taken to approve marriage within the Chen family. It will be detailed more later, but one of the core components is a form of checks and balances which involves approval from three family members before someone can be married into the family. Those three family members cannot be in the same 'branch' of the family. So look forward to seeing a few more members of the Chen family from other parts of Asia... ; )