Date: September 14 2021 1:48 AM Title: Revival
I know I certainly enjoyed it! I thought sure it was going to be Claire occupying the box. Keeping Tom's attention focused on her while Grace or Xiangling hit him with a blowgun dart dip-tipped in shrinking potion.
But, then again, I might still prove half-right. Only the prompt posting of chapter 17 will tell me for sure. ;-)
Author's Response:
Surprise surprise! Alice's story is not quite finished yet it would seem, but the general idea to have a present for Thomas was absolutely the plan all along!
Date: September 13 2021 5:40 AM Title: Revival
Oh-ho, so they threw her back up then and kept her alive. If she lost fingers, half a leg, and most of her skin looks melted she definetly had weeping wounds all over her body. Grace had to given her some high grade medicines to keep her from dying of blood loss or infection. Curious if Grace had something in mind keeping her alive, because Alice was swallowed befoer Thomas entered the picture trying to attack her for confusing her for Tae after Alice disappeared. Whatever it was she definetly has another role to play here.
Grace wants Thomas as her plaything, and really wants him at that. Maybe it's a combination of several things. Jisoo's found a little man, and her life's been improving with Eren so maybe there's some jealously on Grace's part about her cousin having a little speck entirely at her mercy but ends up becoming a couple in love with each other. All of Grace's specks so far have been normal people she's shrunken, abused, and broken. She particularly doesn't like how her victims will is broken so fast. So the bold, aggressive, and protective Thomas has caught her eye.
I wonder if the cousin's have a bet about how decent or terrible Thomas' fate goes depending on how he reacts to his little speck sister. Jisoo killed two men for mocking Eren in a restaurant and Grace's main gripe with Claire was she called her cousin's cute little boyfriend an it. Grace, Jisoo, and a team of their best guards are most likely watching a feed of the room nearby. If Thomas cradles his sister, telling her it's going to be alright, promising big bro will protect her, refusing to kill her if she begs him to just end it for her, or anything else where he treats her wll I wonder how the cousin's will react? They're probably still going to shrink him, either surrounding him and threatening to just kill them both if he won't let them syringe him or if Jisoo walks in alone and beats him down in a rematch.
By all accounts Thomas is more or less even with them. He tried to attack Grace after confusing her with the Tae knowing Tae beat his sister bloody and now Alice was missing, but Tae's already tried assassinating him once since then. So if he surrenders himself to protect Alice or gets taken down defending her, The Amarita girls will be betraying their whole self-righteous "we're going to protect all specks one day" spiel if Thomas gets shrunken and tortured protecting his newly speck sister. Claire's kind of in the same boat. She hasn't done anything noticeably terrible to specks yet other then just ignoring them, so is Grace going to taunt and boast to Thomas by revealing Claire's her little plaything as well and either kill her in front of him or finally brea her in the coming days?
I guess we'll see Madeline visit Northside at some point? See a struggling speck commune abandoned by the city and learn from their rep who steps out to ask what she wants that their generators are dead or failing, the city slashed their funding to next to nothing so no new food or barely any even for specks, and that Eren was a former resident who was among the one's forced out to stretch out the food and conserve electricity. "He didn't have to work for me, his needs were met Grandpa. Specks get all their needs met in their state of the art communes."- (Worldy grandpa gives her a hard stare). I'm curious if your setting up Madeline to realize how bad Eren's life was and try to reach out to him to apologize and ask him to come back. If you want the story setting to stay in Norwich or have Jisoo spirit Eren away to Korea or somewher in Asia. Because first Eren may be too hurt to accept her apology. And two Madeline's going to end up in Jisoo's crosshairs. She already humiliated and debased him and even tried to kill him by smacking him out of Jisoo's hand. And now she's going to risk becoming an obstacle for Jisoo to remove by stealing him or preventing him from going home with her as Jisso could see it.
Author's Response:
Thomas is at this point definitely at least even with them. Whatever slight either party has committed against the other has at that point been avenged in some way, but unfortunately neither side is willing to let bygones be bygones and walk away. And Thomas knows too much as well.
Maddie is actually from Pennsylvania (she attended Carnegie) and lives in Philidelphia, so she will most likely visit a Commune there as opposed to Norwich which is in Massachussets. But as always your predictions are very close to the mark!
Date: September 12 2021 12:43 PM Title: Revival
I was wondering if she'd be vomited up and survive! I thought it odd that you went over Alice's thoughts and surroundings upon entering Tate's stomach. Now it makes perfect sense. Though it seems you hinted at Sylvia being dead (e.g. motionless). Guess we'll find out soon! Either way, wonderful work and I look forward to the next chapter, hopefully with some more sexy fun between Eren and Jisoo to break it up.
You know what would be an interesting ending. Unless I misread something, it's my understanding that they can be grown back to normal. What if Claire was grown back and given Thomas. I wonder if their viewpoints would change?
Lastly, love the angle you're taking with Maddie. Wouldn't it be ironic if she fell for a speck, haha?
Author's Response:
Alice's survival is a little more morbid, but you'll learn those messy details later! And look forward to more Eren/Jisoo focused chapters as well, now that Thomas's manhunt arc has come to a close and we enter some new plotlines I'm excited to finally put to paper after so much build-up.
Date: September 12 2021 7:21 AM Title: Revival
Very good chapter. Loved all of it.
Someone finally thinks for themselves and not the mainstream media. Let's see of Maddie learns.
I wonder of Thomas is a jerk. He does seem somewhat honorable.
I love how you did that. Simple fysical torture is limited, but letting him see his sister is a disfigured speck is good.
Alice doesn't deserve the easy escape of death. I would be funny if she will be a speck forever. Her disfigurement maybe healed if she is a good pet.
I hope they don't capture Thomas right away. His speck sister, that idea need to sink in for at least a few days?
Author's Response:
We can only hold out hope for Maddie!