Date: July 20 2021 4:00 PM Title: Res Nova Part 2
This is getting really interesting. The magic peach, Grace's family's hidden influence over American politicians, the fact that her family possibly knows the truth of what shrank everybody.
It also appeals to me that they are caring and protective of specks but also very much enjoy toying with people who are speck sized, either because they deserve it or are tying up loose ends. I like stories like this. I came for the fetish and stayed for the plot.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the feedback, and I hope you enjoy how the lore of the Chen family develops!
Date: July 18 2021 2:54 PM Title: Res Nova Part 2
Hmm, a family that posesses magic or just a family of brilliant chemists/biologists who can create anti-aging fruit and weaponize a century old shrinking virus? I'm wondering if Tae was born into the family or was adopted as a speck when they tested her and found something special in her dna. Grace seemed to imply her family knows something about how the Diminution virus began, maybe they owned the lab that developed it or just did a loot of research and had special specks like Tae.
Also Tae's claim that her familiy can't help or directly handle speck communities because American companies own them and block foreign interferance seems disingenuous now. If their family can buy attorney generals, governors, members of congress, and soon the president of the US, buying out or ruining small competitors seems like no issue. Grace's concern for Eren hints that her family may have no personal issue sheltering and helping the born specks, especially if there's useful one like Eren who can improve the efficiency of machines, since they don't acknowledge all the worthless propoganda about them. Wonder if the specks have or will have better treatment in countries the family already controls like China?
If it's Tae that's about to solo brawl with Thomas, hopefully he's injured enough to not be able to best her. She's strong and skilled but so is he. Tae might get her serum used on her if bested, remains to be seen if that happens if she has some kind of peach or blood power to reverse it when the time is right.
It's kind of funny how everyone's reaction to being told why they were shrunk is too say "but he was just a speck". Are you sure you want to make the arument that speck abuse is okay when you yourself are currently speck size?
Author's Response:
Perhaps a curious mixture of both science and magic? :) So far Sylvia probably had the best plan to get herself out of the woods, she tried to claim she was drunk and it was a mistake. Everybody else apparently did not think about how their response would be taken. As for everything else, in time the history of the world as well as it's future will all be explored later, I hope you stick around to see how it unfolds!
Date: July 18 2021 7:25 AM Title: Res Nova Part 2
Another enjoyable chapter. This town really has a problem. The hate level for specs is insane.
It is good for Claire to be thought a lesson.
I can't wait to Thomas gets his punishment.
I hate Alice very much. Too bad she can't suffer more.
I hope some get punished by living there lives as specks and get into to situations where their loved ones torture them.
Author's Response:
Thank you for your feedback, and I hope you enjoy what comes next! :)
Date: July 18 2021 6:11 AM Title: Res Nova Part 2
Xiangling! Is that a Genshin reference I see? If so, that's great. I started playing about a month and a half ago, and it's really fun. If you play it, who's your main? Mine's Kazuha.
Anyway, this story is still fantastic! It seems like the hole of revenge and destruction is just getting deeper and deeper, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it ultimately ends up, as well as how it affects poor Eren. As another reviewer said, he's truly the only innocent one here. Still loving his adorable relationship with Tae, but I can't help but worry about what will happen when he finds out about everything. For me, their relationship is the main draw of the story, so I hope to see more of it soon! Either way, keep up the great work, and take care.
Author's Response:
It is indeed! Currently I main Yanfei, I just got Kazuha recently but have not had a chance to level him up yet.
Thank you for your feedback, ultimately the cost of revenge is that it will continue to spiral. Although this is a rather long story with many conflicts and arcs, Eren and Tae's relationship and how it develops is the main focus, so I hope you enjoy the twists and turns it takes!