Reviews For Deliverance
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Reviewer: Lupin Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 28 2021 1:42 PM Title: Rime

I'm nearly all caught up with this story, and it has quickly become one of my favorite stories on this site. The politics and world building are simply fantastic. The world is very believable for a story with tiny people. The cast, although small, has enamoured me. I really love the lead characters and their relationship (and people say you can't write a strong female protagonist and make them likeable). I'm really enjoy seeing their interactions with each other because they are incredibly wholesome, however, their individual segments are just as amazing because they really let you catch a glimpse of this semi dystopian future. This story gives me some Dexter vibes as well as some slight Batman vibes. I've fallen head over heels for this story so congrats on the incredible writing! I'll be looking forward to the most recently released chapter as well as future chapters. Godspeed!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! It can definitely be a challenge to write a convincing female protagonist, especially as a male author so I am thrilled to hear that. I hope you enjoy future updates as well!

Reviewer: sandman579 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 16 2021 9:22 AM Title: Rime

It is interesting how the general population thinks specks get billions in aid, when in reality they live in slums and are given scraps. Oddly enough I could see the small group of speck rights activists and the much larger specks are pests groups both coming together to cause a huge outrage if someone funded several news channels and documentary film makers to investigate and expose the living conditions of specks and how a handful of companies are pocketing the billions in funding. "Where are your tax dollars going? Tonight our investigative reporter Tom Johnson reports to us from the field from NYC's sub-borough 1, one of NYC's 5 diminshed human communities. The Werner Company holds a $40M annual contract from the city to exclusively manage and develop the cities 5 DH sub-boroughs. But what does the company do with this fnding? What we found may shock you." New channels covering multiple speck slums in cities across the country over a few weeks followed up by some famous filmmaker making a Netflix series about how the contract companies and the politicians they bribe are pocketing all the money could easily cause a public fervor from both speck supporter and hate groups for opposite reasons.

They could be setting themselves up against the world's largest conglomerate. Grace could use Eren becoming an innovative engineer at his new job as a model example to the Amrita board about specks being an untapped workforce. If she convinces the board about their use and how the conglomerate could monopolize the communities since no one else is currently using specks as a reliable workforce, the company can use the opportunity to swoop in and place the majority of the speck population under their protective wing with the promise of safer communities and living conditions. They just need to flex a bit of that wealth an influence to clear the corrupt competitors out of the way. Opportunity for a potential epilogue or a timeskip.

Author's Response:

I can read that news report in the voice of an anchorman! That Netflix series would be a hit with all sides too. 

Odds are there will be a timeskip at some point in the plot; this is definitely meant to be a long story with numerous arcs and plotlines. Of course that may change, but right now in terms of what i envision we are not at the half-way point, so there is absolutely time to develop more big events. I hope I can keep everybody interested for the long haul!

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