Date: April 29 2021 10:01 AM Title: Return
Interesting, her access to a shrinking serum and mysterious contacts who can easily track down people, as well as that last line, hints she either has a career as an assassin or is simply wealthy enough to afford feeding her desires. I say feed her desires since she clearly enjoys and gets excited at torturing a small and helpless human. She didn't have to kill Mikayla, just scare her into an apology before dropping her off at a small community. Interested to see the link on how she justifies her fury at witnessing smalls being abused or killed by regular humans with her own enjoyment of torturing shrunken victims.
The comments about how unusually tall and fit she is for a woman and her "odd" personality of caring for small humans has me forming a conspiracy theory about her origins. There exists a serum that can instantly shrink humans. What if the oppopsite is true as well, they made a formula that can grow diminished humans back? If it's an experimental or rare treatment it could explain why she ended up growing a bit too big. It would upgrade her origin from "she lost a small lover/family/friend to a cruel normal" to also personally knowing what its like to live through and suffer that as a small as well.
I wonder if what influence Eren has on her if she keeps him around to form a relationship with her. If she lets him watch her next act or is shocked to see him sneak in on her, how will they go forward? Will he just be a witness to her actions, or will he beg her not to kill his assailants, saying he's forgiven them after seeing her torture them. Pleading with her to just let them go?
Author's Response:
You're extremely observant! Definitely on to something, all I can say.
Date: April 29 2021 3:57 AM Title: Return
Now this is a really interesting story. I'm enjoying it a lot so far! You've got plenty of mystery, and I'm definitely interested in learning more about what's going on, and what Tae's backstory is. I'm also loving her and Eren's relationship! They've got some really cute moments, and I'm excited to see how their relationship develops. Especially if/when he finds out about her secret. I hope to see more of this story soon! Take care.
Author's Response:
Thank you, I look forward to exploring those mysteries in future chapters!
Date: April 29 2021 2:50 AM Title: Return
Wow, almost forgot about this one. So glad you returned to it. Big fan of the Tae and Eren dynamic.
Author's Response:
I had finished most of the chapter weeks ago but was caught up in work and other stuff. Hopefully I am able to add more as things settle down. I am glad you are liking it so far!