Date: November 15 2021 7:24 PM Title: Chapter 3: Mushroom/Bird in Tree Episode
All three of the former scenarios are most interesting. Were you considering a few more works that look at how the conclusions of each would've affected the path of the story?
Author's Response:
Something I may consider in the future. Right now I'm writing other works that are a mix of both giantess and harem elements. If I'm feeling curious and brave enough, I might try my hand at something similar to this little project of mine. I went with a hypothetical "what if" story line based on "Alice in Wonderland" because I already had a lot of backstory to work with. Maybe one day I'll do something similar with another story, like "Attack of the 50ft Woman" or "Honey I Blew Up the Kid". Don't want to go too far down the rabbit hole (pun intended), but it's an avenue I might pursue at some point.

Date: May 02 2021 10:44 AM Title: Chapter 3: Mushroom/Bird in Tree Episode
"The sight was somewhat comical, as a being of gigantic proportions was being cowed and intimidated by another creature which was several times smaller than her. It was practically the equivalent of a horse being intimidated by a mouse in terms of size." - Well, we humans tend to be afraid of Insects that are even smaller in comparison, so it's not that funny.
"Dropping her eggs into her nest, she fell down in said nest as her surroundings changed suddendly." - There is no third "d" in "suddenly".
I am somewhat surprised by how the chapter went. After Alice's previous Acts of Growth Cake Gluttony I expected her to down at least her growth piece of mushroom if not uprooting the mushroom as a whole and eat the increasing side of it.
You voiced your concerns about the end of the chapter, but I have another irk with it. The bird is of course one-dimensional, but that doesn't mean it's writing needs to repeat phrases.
Once again, you did the source justice and your deviation didn't seem too out of place.
Author's Response:
Fair point on the typos. Those tend to be my kryptonite when I get wrapped up in a writing frenzy, so one or two will get through the cracks from time to time. I'm glad you appreciate my source referencing on the whole. I try to commit to the original when it comes to details.
In response to your first comment, yeah I get that humans tend to freak out at the sight of spiders and most insects in general. Some of us may feel inclined to swat or crush them outright, either out of fear or annoyance. Basically I was trying to get across the idea that if she so desired, Alice could have swatted the bird away like some pesky, minor nuisance instead of frantically ducking and avoiding her as she did in the Disney film. The fact that she didn't in the film seemed a little silly to me. Then again, her general temperament is that of a proper young lady, so it would be out of character for her to swat or crush the Bird to a pulp, even though she was perfectly capable of doing so.