Date: April 18 2021 7:35 PM Title: Chapter 2: White Rabbit's House Episode
"[...]that would be the case if Alice gave it some serious thought, if the logical part of her brain was in control that day." To be fair: Especially someone strictly logical would probably become insane in Wonderland fairly quickly, as such a person would most likely surmise that s/he already descended enough into madness to have such kinds of hallucinations resisting would be for naught anyway.
"All because she ate a cake of all things."
"[...]in one hand and a smoking pipe in the other, which he was currently enjoying."
" "We'll make it clear that monsters aren't welcome here." "
"Tipping the jar forward as if she were drinking from a thimble,[...]"
I certainly didn't expect the "eating of all Growth Cakes at once" to appear here again - as it is kinda a repeat after all. It was well implemented though, so I am not complaining.
I also didn't expect the second growing spurt to also have a slight increase in age, even if it was just mentioned at the side like a footnote. Not that it's too unlikely, if there are cakes can make you grow to a supernaturally immense size upon consumption, why wouldn't there a recipe that makes you grow older, (or younger for that matter)?
Author's Response:
Sorry about the occasional typos here and there. This chapter took several days and longer than I expected, so I was running out of steam at times trying to finish it up before I hit a literary wall, so to speak. And yeah, a place like Wonderland is highly illogical in a number of ways. Anyone in it would probably think they were either in a very intense and long dream, or else they might figure they descended into some kind of madness where they cannot tell what is real anymore. Given that Alice already ate a growth cake early on in the 1951 film, one would think she might err on caution and avoid eating another one just like it. So clearly she wasn't quite thinking things through completely when she took a bite of yet another growth cake.
As for the second growth spurt, I decided on a whim to make Alice more physically attractive as she grew, making her appear to be a sort of living goddess with a mix of both power (from her size) and beauty. So yeah she probably changed from a young teen to an older teen by some degree from what I wrote. I was conflicted by how far I wanted to go given that I started this project with a PG rating, so I didn't want to get too sexually explicit with the descriptions. Think of it as a kind of teaser I suppose.
Anyways, hope you found the chapter at least somewhat entertaining.

Date: April 17 2021 5:50 PM Title: Chapter 2: White Rabbit's House Episode
The iconic scene.
Of the various ways that depict how Alice grows in the Rabbit's house across iterations this one always sticks with me. Thanks for doing it justice, and for keeping the growth growing.
The Rabbit would be far more hesitant to go along with the now bigger Alice, I feel. It could just be the spectacle through his spectacles, but I do like how the rationale is that he can still make it to the Queen to fulfill his duties if he humors the giant.
The Doorknob seemed like the more levelheaded individual through this animated version so I do see him more readily joining up. And the Dodo is zany enough to go along. Bill just flat out being exhausted by his trip and resting along was a good fit. I am glad he is alright all things considered!
The mention of her chest filling and her outfit shrinking was different, no such emphasis was made in the previous chapter. Was this going to have some additional roll here or possible prep for a setup for a future chapter preparing the reader for other things that can happen to Alice?
Author's Response:
I'm glad you like the course of events I laid out for the White Rabbit, the Dodo and Bill the Lizard. I prefer happy endings as opposed to tragic ones in the stories I create and the ones I read. As far as Alice's physical developments regarding her figure, it was somewhat spur of the moment as I was typing it out. I was trying to make her appear more sexy and majestic as she grew, though I didn't want to go too far into X-rated territory with the descriptions as I was writing it. I was aiming for a sort of benevolent goddess in her overall character, powerful but gentle all the same.
Sorry to get your hopes up, but each of these chapters is a one-shot, so there won't be any interconnection between them. Basically imagine watching the 1951 film as it is, then imagine a fork in the narrative road, so to speak. I like to put a lot of detail into the growth process for Alice, then figure where the story will take off once she increases in size while maintaining her overall character. That was my intention with this little project. Hopefully, that won't turn you off to the remaining chapters once I've posted them.
In any case, I appreciate that you enjoyed this chapter.