Reviews For Deliverance
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Reviewer: SofaButter Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 25 2024 2:29 PM Title: Rescue

Oh my goodness, this story has taken up all of my attention for the past few days. One of the best I’ve ever read!!! Very very very well done!

Reviewer: breastclimber Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 27 2023 9:05 PM Title: Rescue

This is most plot heavy story I have ever read on this site, and I loved it!  All of the twists and turns in the story were great!

A couple of small points

1) Eren's role was really diminished at the end.   I mean I loved Jisoo throughout the whole story, but Eren was so dynamic in the beginning of the story, I was just a bit disappointed at the end that his role was even purposefully subverted because he would have wanted the diminuation?  (not sure that makes a lot of sense, but maybe having him more involved would have been more true to his character.)

2) When Jisoo gained all of her powers it would have been nice to see her take some small revenges on the worst of the worst people.    I know she was trying to deny she was a goddess, but come on, she totally was.

3) Jade's nanomachines were kind of forgotten, but they did touch Eren, and therefore when he was re-united with Jisoo they would have touched her.  I would have been fine with Jisoo seeing them and obliterating them with her godly powers, but it wasn't even mentioned.  Nor was Jade's fate particularly touched on either.  Maybe it would have been fun to have Jade try to control Jisoo in God mode, but have Jisoo obliterate the nanites, and turn them against Jade.

4) Eren and Jisoo's daughter was too "tame". I would have liked to have seen her enjoy her powers a bit more.  Not outright rebellion, but more like someone who wouldn't mind occasionally cheating on their diet.  I keep thinking about how the daughter might be a fun short story on her own.

5) The whole thing about Jisoo not being able to regrow people seemed a little far fetched when her power grew to be absolute.   I realize you wanted that for plot purposes, but maybe you should have just let it happen that way.

Despite these nits, I loved the story, really I did.  The only reason I mention these things is because of how much I got into the plot.  Really fun stuff!  If Eren had been more active at the end I would have given this a 10 out of 10.  I really viewed Jisoo and Eren as the two main protagonists of the story, and so that disappointed me a bit, but not enough to make this one of the best stories I have read here.

Reviewer: Musukaiser Signed [Report This]
Date: April 12 2023 6:55 AM Title: Rescue

Damn one of the best stories on this site good writing 

Reviewer: Nightwatch Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 13 2022 4:25 PM Title: Rescue

Just wanted to comment something I just remembered from your series about the immortal peach that increase a person size and strong couldn't mass reproduce them to return everyone to normal size people or at least Maddie who got her size Robbed from her , I mean all Maddie got to do is a eat a few immortal peaches and she be back to five foot nine inches tall in no time just My thoughts thinking about the immortal peach 🍑.

Author's Response:

So currently there are only about two dozen peaches in Baochai's old garden (they take ten years to grow and are extremely difficult to cultivate), and there is a 'soft-cap' on how much you can grow with them because you hit diminishing returns pretty quickly especially if you aren't blood related to the Fang Sisters. The biggest Maddie could probably get if she nommed on every peach would probably be around a foot and a half.

But in the end Maddie did get that bikini body she was trying to get before she was shrunk, so good for her since she's rocking a four pack now! 

Reviewer: Kessler Signed [Report This]
Date: September 04 2022 5:13 PM Title: Rescue

You'd think there would be more effort put into the direction of just growing all the specks up to normal size.

Author's Response:

"If only there was a way for me to undo The Diminution. The only limit to my abilities is that I cannot reverse the effects of shrinking. If I could, then I could just make the speck population into normal-sized people. That would be the best solution for everybody. Jisoo thought, and cursed her own weakness in that regard. There were few things she could not do with her power, but that was one that was unchangeable. 


Once a person was reduced, unless they were a part of her own bloodline they could never return to their original size. And even then those of her bloodline as she had discovered could be shrunk permanently if the xirang was removed altogether. " - Ch. 58 Negotiation.

Jisoo is physically incapable of growing specks to normal size, hence why she thought it would be a better idea to make everybody else smaller.

Reviewer: Ralgar Signed [Report This]
Date: August 29 2022 9:46 PM Title: Rescue

First of all I love this story, I do consider it to be the second best on this site after how to break in your pet.

    Now then I would actually be ok wish jissoo shrinking the rest of mankind, (as long as they do it in stages) this mankind really needs to humility.

    I am interested to see where this ends.  Also I know it’s not in her character any more, but I wouldn’t be opposed to jissoo keeping a few pets.

Author's Response:

Her and Maddie sort of discuss the idea of shrinking mankind in stages, that way humans could gradually adapt the the changes and prepare to be tiny forever. Unfortunately for them Suji had other plans :)

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed [Report This]
Date: August 17 2022 3:03 AM Title: Rescue

@Kardo What a coincidence, I was just reading Act of Gods again the other day, and wondering if you’d ever continue that story.  One of my favorites on this site for sure.  That initial chapter detailing the land of Kyojin and the arrival of the Empress is one I find myself coming back to time and time again. Such a unique concept that I’d love to see fleshed out more

I’d  imagine others would enjoy a continuation as well. Personally meant to give a review for that story when it first came out, but it ended up getting lost in the shuffle, and I couldn’t find it again until stumbling upon it after reading Deliverance recently. Maybe now is the time to bring it back

Author's Response: I may at some point return to the world of Act of Gods, since there is an entire continent to conquer and lots of fun shenanigans the ladies from that universe can get into. For now though it's a bit lower on the priority list since Deliverance is nearly finished and I've delved into some other works on the side. Ultimately writers block would be the real deciding factor lol

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed [Report This]
Date: July 29 2022 10:09 PM Title: Rescue

@Kardo I definitely knew there was some sort of anime inspiration in the story, but very interesting to see where it all came from. Thanks for elaborating!

As for Omega, I’d say Consequences is closest to Deliverance.  Would be cool to hear your thoughts on that one if you ever get around to reading it… As I said before, lots of striking similarities to this story  

Author's Response: I can't wait to check it out if that's the case, the Omegas series is probably the most consistently high-quality series on the website, and has been fleshed out very well!

Reviewer: Videofreak64 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 19 2022 4:40 AM Title: Rescue

Once again I love this so much

Author's Response:

Thank you! :)

Reviewer: Videofreak64 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 11 2022 4:20 AM Title: Rescue

Haven’t left a review up this point but this story is insane, it’s long since stopped being just a long erotica. I feel like I need to reread it to keep track of all the crazy details and twists, and overall it’s a great experience to be reading each new chapter when they release.

Author's Response:

Thank you for the review! I'm glad you are enjoying it so far. I was tempted to break the story up into smaller pieces, but decided it would be better to just keep it all (mostly) all in one place. This story will pretty much tell the entire story of Jisoo and Eren, but leads up to events that leave plenty of room for sequels and other spin-offs, and even alternative universes with some "what-if" scenarios.

Currently in the pipeline is a spin-off story for Grace which involves her activities in London which have been referenced a few times, and a brief alternate reality story which details what would have happened if Jisoo had never joined the Amrita Corporation as an assassin. Along with many others that aren't completely concrete yet! So there's a bunch to look forward to in the same universe, but with different tones and varying degrees of story/erotic content ratio!

Reviewer: HereForthePlot Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 14 2022 4:45 PM Title: Rescue

I made an account just for this review. Your story is amazing. It’s fallen into the category of stories I find here where i appreciate it less and less for the erotica and more so for the plot. My enjoyment of your story then brings with it a touch of anxiety.

so far i think it fair to say that you’ve been responsible in your depiction of cruel acts. The deaths of Thomas and his sister were complicated but I felt necessary for the story but it became satisfying, strangely enough, when it became the catalyst for Eren’s growth and criticisms of Jisoo and down the line, the Amrita foundation. 

To avoid rambling, which is my nature, I like the conflict. Too many times on this website when I find a story with an interesting plot, people in the stories do horrible things that are brushed aside with no self reflection or criticism or when the author is attempting to make a compelling story, half heartedly criticizes the actions of the giantess. 

With that said, Eren’s friendship with Grace has reached a turning point. It, in my opinion, is possibly even greater of a betrayal than Jisoo’s, because she aims to effectively “kill” the current Eren and replace him with a version more compliant. Will she face the same period of self reflection or external criticism that Jisoo had to go through? Will we see any sort of retribution on Grace? When you have a character like Grace who does horrible things to the people they love because they think it’s the right thing to do, a strong response to that is warranted, lest we find ourselves in a situation where Grace is forgiven all too easily. I already feel that in some sense to Ren and Maddie’s situation. If Maddie accepts her position as a pet, as lesser than human, something her arc of forgiveness with eren meant to teach her specks weren't, should we the ready consider that right? 

Sorry for the rant. This story is amazing enough that I can’t bear to read it if there is only one new chapter out. I’m already kicking myself now for having given in to the temptation especially with the situation Eren is in. Leaving me with all of the aforementioned questions and worries. Keep it up! You’re writing is amazing.

Author's Response:

Wow thank you so much! I greatly appreciate you taking the time to make an account specifically for this story, and I hope you enjoy future updates as well. There's definitely been a long period after the end of the first arc so to speak when the characters mainly moved countries, in which there was a lot less erotica and more of a focus on development of the characters. Now there's been a return to form and some more action, but I hope it doesn't feel forced by any means. 

And yeah I agree with the point that characters in some stories will do absolutely terrible things and face virtually zero repreucussions, Jisoo is in a situation where she is finally beginning to reflect on her actions and feels regret but can't just say she's sorry and move on. There's a lot of trauma on her mind and her redemption arc will be a tumultuous one that is not neccessarily linear. 

Unlike Jisoo we haven't really explored too many of Grace's introspective moments, but it was hinted at a long time ago that she didn't want to have to kill Eren if she was ever ordered to. She does have her occasional bits of humanity, like telling a person who betrayed her that she would make sure his family was safe, but other than that she's one of the most monstrous people in the story since she views herself as a divine authority who can do no wrong which for a while was the same way Jisoo thought. Whether or not she can be forgiven for what she's doing, that will be explored later!

Grace is also one of the characters who I plan to give her own prequel spin-off to at some point based off her activities in London which have been mentioned a few times, which further explains her worldview. So there's always that to look forward to!

Reviewer: Divediveburners Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: March 10 2022 7:03 PM Title: Rescue

This is a doorstopper, that's for sure. I had to keep turning the page. Your story is very dynamic. At first, I thought it was some fun muscly murder-wife snuff and smut. Then, it turned into a giant conspiracy of another set of people who get drunk off of power. And that's the great irony you've masterfully set-up, the Amita's aren't any different than the human's they've condemned.

I admit that I felt Eren's character was a bit flat at first, he came across as a mere object for Jisoo's desires. It's late in the story that he fully develops as a character, and serves as a catalyst for Jisoo's change. He doesn't appear as murderous as that other Eren.

It's quite a tragic tale, particularly for Thomas, who was the character I was rooting for the most. He was resourceful, compassionate and reasonable. He was David facing off against Goliath, and it was sobering to see our David get crushed. It's necessary for the story, like Eddard Stark in GoT, but you just had to root for the man for his happy ending. Props on you for that, even though his sister was the punching bag for the first chapter.

Author's Response:

I think the first fifteen or so chapters of the Deliverance kept building mysteries on top of mysteries then those questions were answered but revealed new mysteries, and it just snowballed. It keeps readers not only entertained but constantly wanting to see what happens next and looking forward to the next update every weekend (or every other weekend depending on my schedule lmao)

Eren absolutely was the most flat character at the start of the story, I completely agree (ironically I think that makes this Eren pretty similar to tatake tatake Eren who only started to get more development way later into that series). Early on a big theme for him was that he was a relatively normal person who did not know anything about Jisoo except for that she saved his life, so she latched onto that and wanted to keep him safe no matter what. Afterwards he started to get his character development in the background with everything that happened with Maddie and Eureka, and even then I think he wasn't as interesting to the readers as Maddie was especially after she found Maeve and had a change of heart. Now that he's had his eyes opened so to speak by one of the main antagonists, he's finally a character! Too bad he's in a pretty sticky situation now. 

Thomas was definitely a very popular character who I think is most aptly described as being a kind of Eddard Stark in that he's a fairy tale like hero who comes in to save the day and has so much going for him, but afterwards his death causes massive repercussions throughout the rest of the story. He's definitely a person who will be important in all future events that happen if posthumously since there was a time where he was the main character of the story next to Jisoo.

Thanks for the awesome feedback!

Reviewer: UPC Signed [Report This]
Date: March 08 2022 11:21 PM Title: Rescue

Eren’s not going to enjoy what’s coming too much but the reality is he’s been running on borrowed time for a little while. I have mixed feelings on Grace. I disagree with every single one of her views but she’s arguably the best character in the story on the fetish side of things (although I do wish she was a little gentler) This path is better than death for Eren. I just hope the effects aren’t permanent. We know that Grace has enjoyed doing what she’s about to do to Eren when the victim was Thomas or someone else. Will she still enjoy it when it’s Eren or is it truly a last resort? Also awaiting the inevitable reunion between Jisoo and Grace. 
Kudos to you for getting me hooked on this story. I prefer stories that aren’t as plot focused and stories that aren’t dark and don’t have violence/death/injury but I keep showing up for more and eagerly await each update. 

Author's Response:

Grace is definitely the source of most of the stories most prominent size fetish shenanigans, and yeah Eren has been on borrowed time which I decided to time-skip two weeks into this and establish why Grace is doing this and how Eren's come to terms with the break-up. Less fluff so to speak! 

And it's been a bit since we had some gentle stuff to break up all the darker themes but I'm glad you are still enjoying this rather gruesome tale unfold!

Reviewer: Ralgar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 06 2022 1:45 AM Title: Rescue

Well that’s sounds a lot like people being people to deal with the situation and now erect finally sees Kirov for what she is and also what she could be someday, aka a monster but the kind of monster that keeps the other monsters away.  She very much deserved the mental anguish but damn if I know where u are going with this

Author's Response:

We are going somewhere!

Reviewer: Ceark Signed [Report This]
Date: January 10 2022 1:39 PM Title: Rescue

Curious. If things go wrong, will it lead to tension between Jisoo and Eren? Although Eren must be paranoid about Maddie's accident, he must worry Jisoo, she must not lie ... No, not reasonable theories for me, too many ifs. But an excellent gun! Or it will not fire as I intended.

Moral suffering, even anticipation, is so delicious ...

Author's Response:

Anything is possible! We already know that Jisoo seems to have a bit of a spell over Eren... Who knows how he would react?

Reviewer: kenrios Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 17 2021 2:00 AM Title: Rescue

Oh, wow. It seems that the moment of truth has arrived. Or at least the moment of part of the truth. Umm I liked the way Eren responded. He tacitly accepted Jisoo's proposal, but that woman is unpredictable. That woman... dropping the bomb right in the middle of that party, that was strong. I can't wait for the next chapter, let's see how this amazing conversation unfolds. Well that's assuming friend Kardo has mercy on us and tells us about it in the next chapter.

Author's Response:

Satsuki loves drama it would seem!

Reviewer: kenrios Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 10 2021 2:52 AM Title: Rescue

Oh, wow. I don't know why I get the slight impression that Eren isn't going to like what Jisoo wants to do very much. Wow, I hadn't realized it until now, but Eren's girlfriend is really radical. She will eradicate anyone who humiliates her boyfriend or expresses hatred towards him. What will happen if Eren finds out would be unthinkable. Not only that ... that would evidently have a meaning in Eren's change of mind which would cause them not to accept the marriage of Jisoo and him, which would eventually cause Eren to be eliminated for the sake of the "heavenly duties" of the family. Brilliant, those suspenseful situations that leave you more confused and anxious than before are the most striking thing about this work without counting the themes it deals with. In short, Kardo is still a very good literary work. Keep it up

Author's Response: Nobody messes with Jisoo's man : )

Reviewer: hqlord Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 02 2021 11:35 AM Title: Rescue

Okay, just finished reading the last chapter and I gotta say I kind of felt bad for Thomas and Wei. Grace is shaping up to be a monster herself. And also holy shit! The scene with the trash can was super disturbing. Almost made me consider dropping the story for my own sake.

Author's Response:

It's definitely a story I with some graphic stuff, I agree. I would totally understand if someone wanted to stop reading! And the more we learn about Grace the more monstrous a person she seems to be, she's come a long way since her introduction!

Reviewer: hqlord Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 01 2021 11:19 PM Title: Rescue

I swear, what happened to Eren's parents shook me a little. You have some fucked up imagination :D. But every time they killed one of those motherfckers - pure euphoria! Like, I legit reread some torture parts, I was so angry! Can't wait to read the rest!

Author's Response:

Every once in a while I read back over some of the stuff I've written and think 'dang that's kinda messed up'. I think to sell the cruel parts properly it's best when the reader really feels it's deserved.

Reviewer: kenrios Signed [Report This]
Date: November 04 2021 9:06 PM Title: Rescue

Hello people. I have just read this story up to this point and I must say that it is extremely deep. It really touched my heart, because it deals with very interesting and very complex topics. Regardless of the GTS theme, this story touches on issues like what exactly defines us as human beings. In particular, the scene that struck me the most was that of the city of the little ones in the alley. The death of those children, women and men in such a cruel way, man that brought a tear to me. My mother was in my room and she asked me what was wrong with me. I told him it was just a story that I was reading and I passed it on to him. We then had an interesting conversation on these topics. What is it that makes us human beings or persons? Many times in history those simple facts are overlooked. What differentiates humans from animals? It seems obvious, human beings dominate the planet to a certain extent, but to my understanding it is not that. I think it's our reasoning, at least that's what the scientists say. But that capacity that humans have to feel love, morals, decency, ethics, sadness, human values r03;r03;in short ... I remember that a man I admire a lot named José Julián Martí Pérez said in one of his articles when observing the horrors of the Spanish colonial prisons in which a 12-year-old peasant boy had been sentenced to forced labor in the stone quarries said:
"Something inside me, and every honest man knew what it was, began to grow. 12 years, 12 years sounded in my head. 12 years old he was and the Spanish government put chains on him, 12 years old he was and the Spanish government sent him to the quarries to be destroyed. My heart wept with rage and helplessness. "
Although it seems like a somewhat pathetic quote, I would say that I felt the same as José at that time. When reading each scene of cruelty, I felt a chill thinking about the anguish, the sadness, the infinite pain of all those who lost people sometimes for similar reasons. Simply because they were different and at the mercy of others who had the power to harm them. For me the characters of Grace and Jisoo are a center of contradiction, on the one hand they claim that what they do they do with the purpose of saving the planet from humanity itself and on the other hand what I imagine implies the enslavement of it or at least submission to their company. I imagine that the way in which humanity will submit, in history, is implicit in the terror of what will happen if humanity rebels against its "goddesses". As Batman said to Robin (Damian Wayne), how do you intend to rule humanity without being part of it? Personally, I didn't think that the death of Thomas, Alice's brother, was the right thing to do on Jisoo's part. What kind of person would a brother blame for defending his sister? Much more when he promised it, is it that neither Grace nor Jisoo saw this? And so we see how they dehumanize themselves, becoming perhaps just as murderous as those who murdered for pleasure.
In short, excellent story, I really like it. I long to see how it will end. These stories that touch your heart are pleasant readings that make you think and on top of that you enjoy. Thanks for giving us your art in this way man and keep it up.

Author's Response:

That's a really beautiful quote and I think it is extremely fitting! I applaud the thoughtfulness of your feedback and am touched that you shared it and were able to have a good conversation about it afterwards!

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