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Reviewer: Rainman1131 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 30 2009 12:51 AM Title: Chapter 26

Hey, Carycomic.

Thanks for the heads-up on this story.  I just read it all, and I did enjoy it.  Vore is not usually my thing, but I did like the unique touch of having the eater absorb the memories of the 'eatee'.

I felt kind of sorry for the bridesmaids; I didn't really know what kind of girls they were to begin with, but I can't believe they deserved to end up like the Brides of Dracula or something.  I guess I'm just enough of a romantic to believe that any giantess can be saved (by the right fella).

And, as usual, your authentic western characters, dialogue and history really make your stories a pleasure to read.


Author's Response: You are most welcome. :-)

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