Date: May 17 2020 10:42 PM Title: Chapter 1
Wow, where to start! I really, really love when there's a psychological element to a story, so I really, really dig how this entire story takes place on that border between the conscious and reality, and how it's entirely focused on Dan's helplessness and terror. Combine that with vivid, almost terrifying descriptions and characters that feel real, and I can safely say that I'm adding this story to my favorites. This was very well done, start to finish, and the ending even got a chuckle out of me ^^
Author's Response:
You've got a pretty sick sense of humor.
Not that it's a bad thing.

Date: May 10 2020 3:13 AM Title: Chapter 1
I wish there were more stories that used psychological torment on this scale. Absolutely loved it!
Author's Response:
I like breaking psyches. Funny thing, a small part of it was going to go in a different direction (it involved having cuts on fingers) then I decided "wait that doesn't leave enough amiguity if she's real or not" THEN I decided because I listen to too many creepypasta readings for background noise, to add in that nasty "random disgusting liquid leaking from facial holes" trope, and decided black wasn't the right color and blood was just sort of blah, and then I thought "BROWN SOUNDS GROSS AND UNNATURAL, like that shit grasshoppers cough up when they feel threatened, LET'S GO WITH BROWN" AND THEN I wondered "what would it taste like? What would random, supernatural, horror-liquid taste like?"
... I also watch too many horror movies and play gore eroge involving power drills and nether regions like Gore Screaming Show and Maggot Baits.

Date: May 09 2020 9:33 PM Title: Chapter 1
Wow!! This was an amazing story you're truely one if my favorite authors on here. I haven't read a good story in a while. Let alone have it be completed. This had huge horror movie vibes you're stories normally have a terrifying but arousing aspect to them
I loved this so much!!
Author's Response:
Thankies! Wanna hear a funny story? At least two paragraphs of this was written like... a year ago and deleted by accident (!!!!) and then I just had to freaking go "alright then, well I guess I'm just gonna have to retype this FROM MEMORY, THAT'S FINE!" because I have a bad (good???) habit of having a million different word documents, each only a paragraph or two, of horrific torture scenarios.