Date: June 14 2019 4:33 PM Title: Who Knew?
If your comfortable with this could there be a scene where Dave crawls onto a sam or another giantess( i.e her mother or friend ) during their sleep .Perhaps he could fall into their atmpits or some stinky and smelly and dirty place.
Author's Response: Ehh, I'm kinda trying to stay away from anywhere overly gross or anything like that. I might write a scene involving a female character with bad breath, but that's as far as I'll go. Thanks for the suggestion though (:
Date: June 14 2019 4:29 PM Title: Who Knew?
So far I’m loving this story keep up the good work
Author's Response: Thank you.

Date: June 05 2019 12:48 PM Title: Who Knew?
While I agree with Gershwin, I feel like this is a story that could suit me :)
Author's Response: Glad to hear that haha (:

Date: June 04 2019 5:15 AM Title: Who Knew?
It’s interesting. I like how it starts and look forward to it’s progression. Not sure about chapter three, seems a bit ... random.
Author's Response: Yeah I didn't really have much of a plan for that chapter, I kinda started making things up. Trust me, I won't go as random as I did then.