Date: August 04 2018 10:17 AM Title: Chapter 21
Great chapter! I will discuss my thoughts on it in my review for Ch 22, since I read both back-to-back.
Date: July 29 2018 6:42 AM Title: Chapter 21
Wow what a speech it was. Anallya has changed so much from the child she was at the beginning. Hope Gaelin will hold on till help is coming
Also i wonder if you know by now how this dtost is going to end or you just go chapter by chapter, since i feel we are moving twords the final act of the story (though i might be wrong).
Either way keep up the great work you are doing.
Author's Response:
Yeah, I'm proud of her myself. She's come a long way. As for the story, I'd have to say I'm doing a little of both. Yes, I had a good idea as to how I wanted this story structured, certain scenes I wanted included, and how it would end. But as I went chapter by chapter I thought up new developments or events that didn't occur to me at first. It's sort of like the story developed itself and I stumbled upon these ideas while writing them. So yeah, a little of both.
Thank you for the comment
Date: July 28 2018 5:19 AM Title: Chapter 21
Super excited to see the prison break kick-off. I'm actually surprised Annallya was willing to kill those guards and not just incapacite them in some way. But it was probably what had to be done. But now that she's out and back with the villagers, I'm even more excited to see them all break Gaelin out of prison together.
Once Gaelin's out though, I do wonder what will be next for Annallya, as well as their relationship? I'm very curious to see what her decision will be.
Author's Response:
To address the killing part of the chapter, I personally have never been in a sword fight, however I can only imagine that it's much easier to kill an opponent using a lethal weapon than incapacitate them with a lethal weapon. It's kind of the same principles as using a gun, or I suppose a bow and arrow, since this is a fantasy story. You might be able to incapacitate your opponent by shooting them in the leg, but that's such a difficult feat to pull off in the middle of battle that you're much better off aiming for the torso, the broadest target, and accepting that they're likely going to die from such a wound.
As for the rest, all I can tell you is I can't wait either. Time to get back to work!
Date: July 28 2018 12:29 AM Title: Chapter 21
I have this mental image in my head that the story will end with Annallya allowing the humans to escape by holding off the Titans pursuit and dying, or is just never seen again, in the process. And then her story being told in song by the humans centuries later. That would be really sad, but also very powerful. Looking forward to how you decide to finish the story, however it ends I am sure the Whistler will sing about it.
Author's Response:
I like your style dude. I already know how mine is going to end, and I'm not going to spoil anything by telling you if you're right or wrong, but if it doesn't end like that, maybe save that idea for one of your own. I'd read the shit out of that
Date: July 27 2018 9:35 PM Title: Chapter 21
I stumbled across this story and want to pause and say this is the first story I've favorited in years. Keep up the great work.
Author's Response:
That means a lot my friend, it honestly does. Thank you for enjoying it
Date: July 27 2018 6:15 PM Title: Chapter 21
Really looking forward to where this story is going
Author's Response:
So am I dude. So am I. Thanks for reading