Date: July 21 2018 12:43 AM Title: Chapter 20
Another amazing chapter to add to the story! Yay, Nefferel is back (great character!), genuinely moved by Gaelin's actions, both towards herself and others, and it was a really nice chapter with the two of them.
I wonder, when Gaelin said that she reminded him of someone, did he mean Annallya or the Titan from his past?
It's hopeful that Gaelin has slowly been managing to change the minds of at least some of the Titans.
As well, we now know the rest of the backstory for Gaelin. Compliments on the way you revealed some of it, too -- only after reading all of the gruesome details of his bloody fight with the Titans back in his village, did we find out that the attacking Titans were so young. It had an impact that it wouldn't have had, had you revealed that beforehand. Nicely done.
Gaelin had it right: children learn from their parents and society around them. I don't know if an answer can be found between the Titans' need of humans to reproduce and the hope of changing how they're treated, but if anyone can do it, it's these characters.
I also wanted to give a shout out about something one doesn't normally think of: the names of the characters. From the special names given to famous Titans in society ("Tiana Farstrider") to simply the names for all your characters (Annallya, Gaelin, Nefferel, etc) you've managed to find perfect names for your characters -- and that isn't easy (whoever said naming a cat was hard, never tried to come up with a dozen character names!)
Anyway, thank you for another great chapter! Looking forward to joining Annallya again!
PS: I sent you an email tonight, when you have a chance.
Author's Response:
Yeah, who knew an alcoholic could touch so many lives, and not in the home-wrecker kind of way
And Gaelin was talking about Annallya. The way they both acted sort of awkward around him, and everything.
Thank you, I was hoping there would be an impact after it was revealed that they were all young
It's funny you should mention the names. The names are a goddamned pain in the ass to come up with. Most of the time I just say a gibberish word out loud, and then twist letters until it resembles something similar to a name. Other times I start with an actual name, and then start twisting letters. It takes a couple of minutes of playing around until I actually get something. So thank you for appreciating that, it's not easy.
And as always gtstory, thank you for a well thought out comment
Date: July 19 2018 9:55 PM Title: Chapter 20
I think we all agree by now that Gaelin is our favorite humen being on earth.
I didn't understand until now how the Titans corrupted their children at such a young age. I can only feel sorry for those young Titans that found their deaths so early in the army during war or by guardians blade.
Also Nefferel is such a nice character and i hope to see her do more :p
Keep the great work as usual and let's see what is Anallya up to next :D
Author's Response:
indoctrination at it's finest. Convince all of the generations that humans are animals, and that's all they'll see them as. Unfortunately, when you go up against animals who know how to actually defend themselves, and are equiped with weapons capable of killing Titans, then things can get ugly fast.
And I don't like to promise whether or not you'll see more of a character. The story spins as the story wills.
Thanks for the comment
Date: July 19 2018 4:15 PM Title: Chapter 20
Very wise words Gaelin spoke there. He's a very strong-willed person to not let himself get consume by vengeance. It would be totally understandable if he hated the Titans. I'm sure Annallaya had an impact on him to think that way, too. It makes me wonder if him, the other humans, Annallaya, Nefferel and possibly other Titans will form an alliance because I'm sure the Titans will continue kidnapping humans despite what Gaelin told Annallaya's mother of there being other Guardians.
Author's Response:
I can only imagine that she did. Something about innocence and a fun personality can tend to melt a heart. As for an alliance, that's an interesting idea.....
Date: July 19 2018 2:47 PM Title: Chapter 20
yes very good!!
Date: July 19 2018 1:58 PM Title: Chapter 20
Great chapter. Really cool to see Gaelin get to another Titan besides Annallya. Kinda makes me wonder where the story will go. Is is it possible that together Annallya and Gaelin could actually end up turning the tide and convincing at least most of the people in Thylara that the humans are people too and deserve to be treated the same as titans? I don't know, but I'm excited to see that where you take this story. Wherever it ends up going, I'm sure it will be a great ride. Eager to see Annallya and Gaelin reunite, but this stuff in the prison has all been great.
Author's Response:
Who knows? Maybe he's even swayed more? Actions speak louder than words, and his actions have been ringing loud for about a month.
I already know which direction this story is going to take, and where it'll end, and it's coming up soon. Maybe three or four more chapters, if I've got it as planned out in my head as I think. I don't know. The overall story I had planned out, but all of the details and everything I've just been writing by the seat of my pants (odd expression). I hope the ending satisfies. Thanks for commenting dude
Date: July 19 2018 1:02 PM Title: Chapter 20
I don't really notice quality difference's between chapters and find it hard to say that any of your chapters are "best." They are all really REALLY good!
Nice to see "the girl" Gaelin fought in the beginning again and see how Gaelin changed her, and its also nice to see some of Gaelins past. But all this Gaelin stuff also makes me wonder what Annalya is doing, last chapter was basically throwing oil on the fire that is Annalya and I'm realling rooting for her to finially put her foot down.
Also, thank you for writing, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter already!
Author's Response:
Don't worry. The next chapter will be all Annallya. The next chapters after that will be a balance between the both of them. I don't want to give anything more away. Thanks for commenting dude, I appreciate it
Date: July 19 2018 6:53 AM Title: Chapter 20
Great chapter. I think it illustrates how NOT to become bigoted. Also, Nefferel seems like she could help change the future, either directly or indirectly, now that she has heard the human's side of the story.
Author's Response:
I hope that's what it illustrates, that's at least what I was aiming for. Glad to hear that I pulled it off alright. Thanks for the comment my friend
Date: July 19 2018 12:06 AM Title: Chapter 20
Whoa, Gaelin is the definition of a real man. Courageos, skilled, but still wishing to keep peace and not flaunting his power for the wrong reasons. I find it easy to see how Titan chicks would fall for him. Perhaps this girl will be a second love interest? Who knows. Anyway, amazing stuff, I can't deny this was a great chapter!
Author's Response:
Yeah he is those things, and it challenges the image of cowed humans that Titans are used to seeing. That's what I imagined when I decided that it would only be natural for Nefferel to be attracted to him. Also because she's sixteen, and sixteen year old girls tend to fall for guys older than them. Especially when they make such an impact.