Date: May 21 2018 6:02 PM Title: Chapter 14
I'll keep it shorter this time than my last really long post, but great job all around on the new chapter! From Gaelin and Andrill helping everyone escape, to Annallya somehow feeling both worried and proud at the same time that she's secretly managed to hold her own in everyone's (unknowing) eyes. I also loved how Galien was able to find Annallya by hearing her vent in her bedroom :) ... and the dialogue between them afterwards. A really nice chapter, all the way around.
Have no idea what's going to happen next, but you've made a complete, full world, and characters you truly care about and want to follow along with. Keep up the great work!! I'll be following it every chapter!
Author's Response:
Hey, I have never disliked reading a long post, ever. Especially when the person writing it has had good things to say about my stories. I'm narsasistic like that.
Thank you for being a consistent reader, gtstory, and for enjoying. I've wanted nothing more than to write a story with a built world and real characters. Believe that I'll be sticking with this story till it concludes . . . . . . *whispers* and maybe even beyond that.
Date: May 21 2018 4:46 AM Title: Chapter 14
It's nice to see more updates for this story, and the quality of this chapter is definetly up to par!
I also know why Annallya is sort of proud: she basically crushed a professional spy like any other grunt. She gave the impression of the entire city being under attack, while barely being taken seriously by her peers. Good work Annallya!
I also wanted to say that a new chapter in this story always lights up my day, thank you for that.
Author's Response:
Glad to see that the increased pace for pumping out chapters hasn't diminished the quality of my writing.
And I agree, I'm proud of her myself for how far she's come.
I've already started on the next chapter, so look for updates throughout the week. I'm setting a goal for myself to have it finished at least by the time the week is done. Thanks for reading and commenting
Date: May 20 2018 10:47 PM Title: Chapter 14
Simply amazing, nothing more to be said :)
Author's Response:
Well then, I won't say anything more than thank you for reading and commenting.
Oh, and I've already started on the next chapter. Check for updates throughout the next week
Date: May 19 2018 3:47 PM Title: Chapter 14
Incredible story! I do adore the formal dialect the Titans use when speaking which I feel makes them lovely despite the way they treat the humans. It really makes it look like their some form of angels or something that are "guiding" the humans.
Annallya working with Gaelin to free Andrill and the others was both an amazing and touching scene at the end of the chapter. We also got to see a bit more of Gaelin's remarkable skills at work. I do feel like Annallya basically saying if there were male Titans, the world would be doomed because of their egos was a bit harsh and hypocritical of her seeing as she as well as a good deal of Titans have egos that matches their full sizes plus, their here fighting wars with each other seemingly constantly and enslaving humans. Maybe it would be worse if there was male Titan but she wouldn't know that. Not every man has a large ego or are brutes who think of violence, afterall.
Hope to see more. You've definitely got me enraptured in this tale with your outstanding writing and colorful characters.
Author's Response:
Hey, thank you for the compliments, and especially in noting the difference in how Titan's speak. I added that little detail to give the Titan's an extra quality that would make them appear superior to humans. I was actually trying to model them after greek/roman style goddesses so that, in all outward appearances they would look and act superior to humans. Inwards, however, you'll find the opposite to be true.
I'm also glad you liked their teamwork in helping the humans escape. As far as Annallya's remarks go, don't worry, she didn't actually mean any of that. She was just ranting and raving out of distress because she was worried for our little protagonists, Gaelin in particular. It's my little way of showing how much she actually cares about him, while staying consistent with her personality. I'll continue to develop that throughout the rest of the story.
Hope to have the next chapter out soon. Till then, thank you so much for reading and commenting
Date: May 18 2018 6:31 PM Title: Chapter 14
Cool chapter! Gaelin fighting back the way he did really shows how quick on his feet he is. Glad to have Andrill back altho is this gonna turn into a love triangle now that he is? I mean Gaelin and Anna developed sort of a thing without him in the picture but originally the pairing was Andrill and Annallya. Altho to be fair I don't remember any kind of lovey or flirtiness between them so it may just be that it's been a WHILE since I read those early chapters and I'm getting the wrong impression. Anyway, where are things gonna go from here? I'm excited to find out!
Author's Response:
Well I'd rather not give an answer on that when I can let the story do the talking. All I'll say is maybe look back on those earlier chapters and decide for yourself if there was any flirting going on between Andrill and Annallya. And thank you for the comment
Date: May 18 2018 2:22 PM Title: Chapter 14
Story going very well yes!! Stay in the groove!!
Author's Response:
Aye aye, captain. Thank you