Date: May 12 2018 7:45 AM Title: Chapter 13
Very well done:)
Obviously it will be nice to see more chapters more frequently but if this is the price for such a great story it's worth it.
This is definitely one of the best active stories (if not the best) in the site right now, keep up the awesome work :D
Author's Response:
Thank you Sir Purple Wolf (sick name by the way). Now that the semester's over, I'm hoping to pump out chapters much more frequently, while still keeping the quality as up to par as all of the other chapters. I've already gotten to work on the next chapter. I'm planning on having it finished within the next week or two. I'm still taking my time because I need to plan out the action segments. Make sure that they come out somewhat believable. Till then, thanks again for reading, and commenting.
Date: May 09 2018 2:07 PM Title: Chapter 13
While waiting for Chapter 13, I decided to go back and read the whole story (so far) again. And wow, was I reminded what a great story this is -- especially the most recent 3 chapters. In chapter 10, she got to experience what it's like to be amongst humans (a long, wonderful chapter -- I loved everything from Annallya's keen interest and reaction to the Whistler's tales, to her playful retorts about Gaelin, such as being in questionable company around him). Chapter 11 was also incredibly well-done, bringing out the torment, pain and guilt Annallya feels for being a Titan, followed by the special moment she and Gaelin share together. And chapter 12 of course, is where she must force Gaelin to confront the fact that she is a Titan, though she's still also his friend. Let me say it again... like the rest of the story, these 3 chapters were incredibly well-done, and have made this story a joy to read.
I was going to post the above comment yesterday, but when I logged on, I saw that Ch 13 was out. Yay! Another great chapter! (Though of course it's the first part of what will be continued). Besides all the wonderful action and escape, I also loved the little things, from Thoren and Annallya's quiet dialogue, to Annallya wanting to look good in front of Gaelin, wondering if he really thought she looked pretty. Annallya and Gaelin are great together, and I hope that in the end, they can somehow manage to be together.
I love how all the characters in this story aren't just cutouts, but are full, 3-dimensional characters. You've taken the time to let us know all of them, as well as the lore and stories of the setting. I probably won't write as long a comment on subsequent chapters, but I really wanted you to know how much I'm enjoying this story. Though it's human nature to want to read the whole story as soon as possible, I'm in absolutely no rush at all; I'm enjoying each wonderful chapter as you write it, and would much rather have a full, rich story like you've been doing with this from day one. Keep up the great work!!
Author's Response:
Holy shit, wow. It's comments like this that make me smile from ear to ear and keep on writing. I have always loved reading intricate and in depth novels, especially fantasy ones. So when I started this story out, that's exactly what I wanted to do. Write about characters who are both likable, and feel fleshed out and real. I also wanted to build a world around them with lore and everything. I've spent a lot of time thinking this stuff out, and so when I see that a reader has picked up on all of these little details and touches, along with my hard work in making this story as good as I can, it makes me feel like a real author. And you better believe that it motivates me to keep working as hard as I've ever done.
So thank you gtstory for sharing your thoughts. Now I've got some writing to do.
Date: May 09 2018 8:24 AM Title: Chapter 13
Lovely story! I read the whole thing in a single sitting. Please keep going and don't lose your motivation!
Author's Response:
Well with readers like you cheering me on, how can I?
Date: May 08 2018 5:41 PM Title: Chapter 13
Loved the chapter! I liked the sexual tension at the beginning of the chapter, hope Anna and Gaelin get together at some point, I think they suit eachother. And the adventure was well written too, I was on the edge of my seat as Gaelin made his way over to rescue the humans. And of course it had to end with a cliffhanger, lol!
Author's Response:
I'm glad you've enjoyed it, and that the adventure scenes were well written. I tried to make them as close to realistic as possible. In the end, it is fantasy after all.
And of course I ended it at a cliffhanger. It wouldn't be a Darien Fawkes story if I didn't, right?