Reviews For Homunculus
Reviewer: Mr E Signed [Report This]
Date: February 02 2011 9:55 PM Title: Chapter 18
Date: February 02 2011 9:55 PM Title: Chapter 18
no thank you. I enjoyed reading it.
and just to clarify things i meant the final line of chapter 18. not the very last line of the last chapter. I'll get to reviewing that chapter one of these days
Reviewer: Mr E Signed 

[Report This]
Date: January 09 2011 11:41 PM Title: Chapter 18

Date: January 09 2011 11:41 PM Title: Chapter 18
nice surprise twist and the final line was a nice touch.
Author's Response: I'm rather happy with the ending myself, so I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading, Mr. E!