Date: April 17 2021 4:26 PM Title: Decisions
Okay. While I think this story is impeccably written like all of your stories, I feel like this one has a crucial flaw: the worldbuilding (and in a related fashion, George's backstory). I don't have enough of a suspension of disbelief to buy into the idea that people would so quickly start selling tiny people like pets and treating them worse than actual pets like cats and dogs. I could see a black market happening, but with rich tinies still having a somewhat normal life, I find it hard to imagine that tinies in general wouldn't be looked after in some capacity. Speaking of which, I would assume George has family, so why wouldn't one of them look after him? And even if he didn't, how did he end up in the alley? To be honest, I feel like this story would have benefited from less backstory in general, since in that case I would likely feel less inclined to sympathize with George.
All of this combined made me absolutely despise Laura's treatment of him. Sure, whenever you're training a dog for example, you've gotta be unfair sometimes so they know to do/not to do something, but she was beyond excessive.
I do like how you addressed the fact that it's probably Stockholm Syndrome that made him love her. I also like how Sarah actually had a conscience and treated him somewhat like a human, but getting to that point was almost unbearable for me.
However, I see how many other people like this story, so most of this is probably just personal preference on my part. After stories like this and the Yield stories on DA, I'm realizing that while I'm probably fine with cruelty, I can't stand injustice, especially in regards to people being stripped of their humanity.
So this was really just a long-winded way to say that I love your work, but this story wasn't for me.
Date: June 24 2017 11:03 PM Title: Decisions
I love this and i think it needs a sequel. Maybe a new friend takes him unawaringly or you show the struggles he has. I don't want to do the story for you but i would read the sequel if you do make one