Date: June 04 2017 4:48 AM Title: Chapter 50
50. What a chapter. Really love Maxine's psychological viewpoint. More of this, please. Little tom should have great fear. Ms. Cooper will be an excellent owner. Love how his feelings or opinion don't matter.
To think Maxine has cages of little men at home is scary. They must be insanely frightened. Will Maxine think about shrinking large masses of people?
I can hardly wait for Maxine to study her frightened little men. Their reaction to a Giantess face, voice, hand.
Ms. Cooper will have some fun with her new pet.
Loved this chapter and the psychology,
Date: June 03 2017 8:21 AM Title: Chapter 50
I think Angela, a heavy-set nymphomaniac mature woman with secret fantasies to dominate men is a very interesting personality for this story!
She was abused in previous relationships and now she needs to cure her sore soul. Maxine as her therapist understands the best would be if she could experience quite opposite than before. If Angela would be in charge now. Therefore a tiny man she could easily control would be very beneficial for her therapy.
But probably not any tiny man is suitable for Angela ;-)
I think the best for her cure would be a tiny submissive man. A true submissive who would suffer humiliation and pain and unfairness he would genuinely rather not experience and who would be genuinely fearful of punishments for infractions but paradoxically deep inside he would crave to be treated like that, being controlled and helpless in the power of a dominant woman.
She would definitely need somebody like me :-)
I loved very much the whole scene how Tom was sitting naked on Maxine thigh gripping to the edge of her skirt. Helpless, humiliated but excited. That was simply excellent!
Also how Tom awoke in Maxine purse wrapped in the pair of her pantyhose was very nice.
And finally I liked Angela asked if she could have Tom for few days.
I am looking forward to see how Angela's dominant nature will flow out of her.
Author's Response:
Thank's, LT! "May I call you LT?"
I had a bit of difficulty getting this one out. I had read and re-read, this entire chapter as least a dozen times, (before posting) and It had gotten tp the point, where the scene itself, had lost all meaning; I was just reading 'meaningless words'. It had already been nearly two weeks since my last update so I just went ahead and posted it, ...reluctantly. I didn't know what to think about it, ...the original draft was slightly longer and I lost part of it during editing, (screwed up email account) So, I was slightly worried about how it would go over...
After reading your review, though, I re-read the chapter, once again, and... it actually was pretty good, wasn't it! ;`)
Thank's Man, You have no idea how much that helped!!!
Date: June 02 2017 1:35 PM Title: Chapter 50
To be honest, this is the first time I'm not going to give a 10. It's still good, but this Angela in the office scene feels like it's been going on forever.
The first third was about Tom's memory about the prisons and how Maxine treated him. The second third was about how Tom felt on Maxine's leg and how he was trying to participate in the conversation. The third part was Maxine letting Angela hold Tom and for a second, I thought this was another memory, but instead it was present time, but basically the same thing happened with Angela trying to adjust to holding Tom.
There were a few minor things I liked for example, the way Angela sucked on Tom's head, Tom's memory of being in pantyhose. (Even though it's redundant, I love reading about it.)
Unfortunately, I also don't like where the story is going with Angela asking Maxine to keep Tom for a few days. I thought in the previous chapter or two, Angela couldn't control herself and wasnt ready for Tom, and now she wants him?
In addition, this cat is starting to annoy me. Like Tom, I feel like the attention should go to him, but then this cat shows up and is that new kid that everyone loves.
Did Maxine kill the cat, or is she just holding it? Disappearing in a hand could mean a lot.
Well, I guess with every good part of a story, there is also a bad part. Or maybe the good parts are sooo great that the other good parts just seem ok. In my opinion, this story is in one of those phases and I can only hope that I can enjoy it.
I hope this review didn't come off as too harsh. I did t exactly have the best of days and I had the notion that Maxine was done talking to Angela and will drive to Amy's soon. Seeing this I felt......disappointed. (Like the new pirates movie.)
Well, I kinda can't wait for the next chapter.