Date: February 10 2017 10:34 AM Title: Chapter 7
As soon as I saw another chapter, I read it immediately. Another great chapter! Thank you.. and please, please continue with this story. I very much want to read more of Annallya as she comes to learn about Humans (and though I know they're separated for now, hopefully Annallya and Andrill will be back together again at some point). The pacing is great, this story is only getting better, and I can't wait for more! :)
Date: February 06 2017 11:47 PM Title: Chapter 7
It's great to see this story updated. Very exciting chapter. I loved Annallya's intimidation of the tiny robbers. It's made all the better by her reaction to their behavior. This encounter taught her quite a bit about human nature, both good and bad.
Date: February 06 2017 11:00 PM Title: Chapter 7
I hadn't seen this story in so long it took a paragraph or two just to remember which story it was lol Glad it's still being written.
Date: February 06 2017 10:39 PM Title: Chapter 7
I've been a huge fan of this story, so I'm glad you decided to update again! I love the interaction between Gaelin and Anna, it sucks that Andrill is out of the picture, seemingly for good... As for Annallya, I'm a bit worried that she got a thrill out of bullying humans like that.
Sure, it was sort of self defense but at the same time the fact that someone as kind and gentle as her felt that way could mean that Titan's may never see humans as anything but pets and playthings. Maybe being bullies of things smaller than them is ingrained into the very DNA of these beings? Who knows.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to more!