Date: October 11 2016 12:39 PM Title: Chapter 14
You go, Maggie.
Author's Response:
Oh, Maggie's definitely gonna go! She really likes the idea of having someone so small...
Thank's Diesel!
Date: October 11 2016 2:18 AM Title: Chapter 14
Ok, I think you are at that point where there are too many characters in the story. It feels like they get a paragraph of background and all of a sudden, they are involved with Billy.
Love the name Maggie. If you watch the show "walking dead", you will know why. I keep thinking of her when I see that name.
Once again, another "unlikely" situation that happened sure another person finds Billy. This could have been prevented with Maxine taking Billy with her during the party.
I hope Maggie doesn't take Billy with her. I want the story to focus on Maxine and her assistant. That's what made me interested into the story. Now it seems like it's getting further away from that. When you mentioned Maggie's 4 sisters, I thought "oh no".
Lastly, why the armpit? You would think that at least one of these horny boys would comment on one of her other body parts. Is this a sign that Maggie will be the disgusting giantess rather than the sexy one? I hope not.
What I do hope is that Maggie escapes with Billy and then bumps into the assistant and Billy flies into the assistant's purse and now the assistant has him. :)
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response:
Yea, I'm not very good at introducing new characters into an existing story. Although, it does seem to be an easy thing to do,'s really not. Especially, when those newer characters are merely temporary. It's just been two days, since Billy was affected by this strange shrinking, and without having a whole series of 'boring' developmental chapters, I just 'dive right in' and make it as short and sweet as I can... Just lazy I guess, but I can't wait to get to the good stuff! You, can understand that, Mr. Speedy? ;`)