Reviews For 'DaiOnna'
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Reviewer: diesel Signed [Report This]
Date: October 01 2016 8:09 PM Title: Chapter 2

Love the description of Ms. Maxine's hand picking him up. The thoughts of studying him are great.

Reviewer: The Shrunken Scholar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 26 2016 12:29 PM Title: Chapter 2

Things have taken a dramatic turn! Dr. Maxine decided she had to keep him very quickly. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing for Bill... Anyways, great work! I think I'm gonna like this one.

Author's Response:

Thanks, Scholar.  Things are about to change, in more ways than one.  And, Billy is on his way to resolving some of his problems...  

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