Date: December 02 2017 3:12 PM Title: Revelations
It's great. But i want that she will hug him and won't kill him
Date: May 13 2016 6:26 PM Title: Revelations
I also have beef with this chapter. Alexandra's an unlikeable character to me, though I guess I understand her motivation now. Quit while she's ahead rather than let the resentment build in her companion or watch him grow old and wither long before her. But if those are the only outcomes, couldn't she just release him from her service? Or would seeing him around the village be too painful for her? Killing her attendants to spare her own feelings seems so selfish.
And what about the other villagers? I'm sure many accept this as a sacrifice to keep the giantess happy and the town safe. But wouldn't the families of the attendants look at Alex with the same hatred and resentment that she can't stand to face? Wouldn't she know, deep down, that none of them actually like her? They tolerate her as a necessary evil or secretly resent her but are too scared to reveal it. Her whole life among the humans is built on a lie.
I get that human lives pass like fruit flies to an immortal. But she's kind of missing the point. Human life isn't meaningless because it's short. If anything, that makes the time that we're here more meaningful because it's all we have.
Apologies for the negative review. Usually, I skip stories with cruel giantesses because they're not really my thing. But I feel like you want us to undertsand where Alex is coming from in this story and I really just don't. That said, you're a good writer and the story is well written. The medieval fantasy setting is great and the plot is clearly thought-provoking if it has sparked this kind of discussion.
Long story short (too late, I know!), if I was Alex's attendant she would have killed me in the first week. I clearly have issues with this lady. :p
Author's Response:
Haha. Now that's totally fair.
Also, Alex is a self-admitted selfish woman. I didn't convey it well, but the implication I always imagined was that she has tried countless things over the years and they invariably failed. Early on there was some text about how ostracized Attendants are, and how those feelings affect the Attendants themselves was brought up in this chapter. I'm not gonna go out of my way defending her since she is definitely still in the wrong here. Though that's kind of the point of the story. To provide both characters with a chance to change. Least I think so.
Or maybe I'm crazy cause I spent so damn long writing this story and not thinking hard on it haha. Feel free to think whatever you want. Chats like these are fun.
Date: May 13 2016 3:38 PM Title: Revelations
So, Emil had a crush on Alex, back when he was a pre-schooler, huh? Which would explain why he doesn't remember. Most adults can't recall that far back, at all!
Date: May 13 2016 1:45 PM Title: Revelations
I'm really starting to wonder how this will end. Happily ever after or just like all the other Attendants? Looking forward to finding out.
Date: May 13 2016 11:05 AM Title: Revelations
Really enjoying the story... Though I'm still confused as to why she has to kill her attendants.
Date: May 13 2016 10:25 AM Title: Revelations
Eeeeeeh. This is the first chapter I've had beef with so far, but I realize that it comes down to my own preference, so take it a grain of salt.
There's a lot of good in this chapter- lots of juicy exposition, a couple of good 'revelations,' if you can call them that (holy Jesus Emil held a special place in her heart, alert the no shit Sherlock squad), and again, top notch writing.
But. To me, Alex is becoming... Grating. Childish, even unlikable. I feel like there's a big push for her to change and then when presented with the opportunity, she just kind of squanders it. Granted, I get that there's a disparity and possible sadness in being friends/lovers with someone who will die much quicker than you will, but Alex's attitude still seems flippant, and I'd argue even OVERLY hedonistic. I get the drive for excitement, sure, but I'd say it's the opposite- humans because life is so fleeting might enjoy the fast pace life of 'fuck fight fly and die' that giants do according to the description you put out. To me, ageless (relatively) beings like Giants would find wisdom in age, etc. to me, my beef is that Alex seems an unbelievable character at times. I love her character, yes, and she does the job of being intriguing, but she does it to the point of almost beating a dead horse.
Two silly ones:
1. Why must you tempt me with your potential lesbianism???? I swear if Emilia is redheaded I will lose my shit.
2. Where is Alex keeping all those oxen?
3. 'Wait you're not tired?' 'Boy you're talkative!' '*rolls her eyes*'
Jesus. Alex was THAT girl in high school, huh.
Let me close this uncharacteristically negative wave by saying that I still love this story- it's heads and shoulders above 90% of what's on this sight for me, both in terms of fetish content and writing. No joke, it's like reading Pixis' Rowena for the first time again- just good, damn good stuff. You still get tenouttaten.
Looking forward to the final chapter and hopefully the epilogue. Also looking forward to your future stuff.
Author's Response:
Wow, thank you for the feedback on this one. Lessee how I can respond...
You definitely raise a good series of points with Alex. Though I think it's important to note that while she is hundreds of years old and definitely wise. She is still flawed however, and those flaws are what lead her to do anything she does. It might be best to think of her as someone who is overly sensitive, and instead of being hurt she plays it off and tries to cut ties before she gets too invested. Least that's what I think. Stories are all about interpretation.
Also for your silly question. She hunts all the Oxen haha. Just goes on a march and comes back with a tree skewer.