Date: March 17 2016 9:47 PM Title: Chapter 3
i really enjoy the whole gentle giantess aspect that annallya is taking. can't wait to read more about her and hoping that updates will be more frequent. please?
Author's Response:
I try to update so frquently as I can, but it's quality vs quantity, am I right? I write this story whenever I have a second to myself, between school and work, so I'm progressing. Till the next update I want to say thank you so much for liking this
Date: March 17 2016 9:31 PM Title: Chapter 3
Good story so far. I'm interested to see where this is going and to learn more about Titan culture. How is it that they are aware of humans and can shrink to their size but still know so little about them? The idea of treating a sentient creature as a pet and giving it a new name seems very odd if that creature can speak your language.
Author's Response:
I might explain that in the story but incase I can't find a good way to work it in I'll explain this one important aspect. To put it into perspective, look back on the history of slavery in the world, especially the US. Humans were enslaved, beaten, and killed by other humans who could comunicate perfectly with them. All around the world at different points of history this has been shown. So it's not too hard to imagine when you think of it that way, though it does become a great deal more sad.
But on a less depressing note, thank you so much for reading and enjoying my story so far. And I appreciate your analysis very much. It means I was able to make you think and look into something which isn't something I thought I could do with people. So thank you again
Date: March 17 2016 6:47 AM Title: Chapter 3
Wow ! This story is really good. I'm looking forward to having more of this !
Date: March 17 2016 2:10 AM Title: Chapter 3
Brilliant. Love the character development. Would like to see stories branch from this.
Please continue.
Author's Response:
I actually have ideas for sequel stories. That's why I love fantasy so much. It's as much a treat to write it because you get to see a new world unfold in front of you just the same as the reader. And I shall continue! Back to work right now!
Thank you so much for your comment
Date: March 17 2016 12:14 AM Title: Chapter 3
So are there male Titans? So far it doesn't seem like there are any, so do Titan women use human males to mate or do reproduce asexually or something? I wonder if she would be willing to ask Andrill to give her lessons? She doesn't seem to mind shoving aside her pride and asking Andrill for advice, so if she gains enough trust she might be able to shrink to his size and do sparing matches with him...Just an idea. Anyway, this story is amazing, and definitely one of the better stories out right now!
Author's Response:
Nah, I considered having Titans both male and female in this. But I dislike giant males and it didn't work as well with the plot I had in mind. And you're right about Annallya, she's more fascinated by humans than most of her race. So she would probably accept training from Andrill, but I don't know how serious she would take it. Imagine a toddler tried to teach you how to use a sword. And the sparring is a good idea, I may or may not use it . . . you'll have to see what I have in mind.
And thank you so much for the positive feedback for my story. It motivates me to keep on writing, and I'll be writing at my best for all of you guys.