Date: February 16 2016 5:51 PM Title: Chapter 2
There's one sentence I think was meant to read "I felt myself placed...."
Other than that? Nice update! :-)
Author's Response:
Gah, responded to the wrong comment. Thanks for pointing out the typo, can't believe I missed that.
Date: February 16 2016 6:54 AM Title: Chapter 2
A lot of people might have told you, but damn this Ms. Carolyn character is great. It seems like her and Jacob both will take something away from this experience, unless Jacob ends up dying, but I doubt Ms. Carolyn would do that on purpose.
Date: February 16 2016 3:35 AM Title: Chapter 2
Gold. Love the teacher's character. Please don't change her to much. Perfect blend.
Date: February 16 2016 12:09 AM Title: Chapter 2
I like your mini world stories. The stories are entertaining and very creepy at the same time. Your characters have a certain realism about it, what makes it more disturbing(that is good). Jacob is a disturbing character, because if you can ignore the cries of those minis who want to be reunited with their loved ones.... I could never do that. I would at least make sure that they are bought by a friend or family member.
I would like to be in that pet-friend kind of position with a beautiful woman. Everything about Carolyn is better(constant self reflection) than Jacob and he gets a valuable lesson of how those minis felt in those mini-pet stores.
The one problem I would have, is that my parents and friends would be devestated and would go crazy of not knowing if I'm dead or alive. Only that thought would keep me from fully enjoying the experience. If I would have the freedom to visit friends or family, then I wouldn't mind it.