Date: October 04 2017 7:47 PM Title: Let Them In
I love this story so much please update again! And probably let the sisters change to good, I mean, they do seem guilty and it would surely make some more plot.
Date: October 18 2015 8:13 AM Title: Let Them In
Sorry for letting up on commentary; time keeps getting away. Anyway, overall this was a lovely mix of complicated emotions and fetish action. The May chapters especially were among my favorites. The subtle ways of letting the larger world come through, such as that boy in the shoe, helped give the narrative more texture. Certainly as a whole it's my favorite thing you've put out. I do confess to some disappointment with the ambiguity of the ending and June's relationship with her sisters. I understand the vibe you were going for, but it felt like just a little too much being left to the reader given how hard they were to read in the past - it ended up feeling slightly inconsistent without more guidance. Just one opinion, of course, and it's not something I would've focused on if most everything else wasn't working so well. June's ranting in the final chapters especially was very cathartic and helped endear her even more. I'll look forward to reading whatever else you decide to post.
Author's Response:
Yeah, I knew the ending might not sit well with people, and your input really helps to say why. Personally, I prefer the ambiguity, and I stand by it, but I can see why it doesn't work. Sure there's a lot of story to be had with the sisters slowly learning to treat June better, but I don't want to overstay the story's welcome. I definitey appreciate your words though, and hopefully you like the next story I got planned.
Date: October 14 2015 8:39 PM Title: Let Them In
Interesting ending. June's future is still uncertain but there is at least a note of hope, as well as signs of remorse from her sisters. Nice work on this story.
Author's Response:
I had a lot of fun with this story, and there are definitely good things coming June's way now that the sisters saw the toll it took on her. Thanks for the reviews.

Date: October 11 2015 9:51 AM Title: Let Them In
You son of a...that said the ending cliffhanger not withstanding I enjoyed the story.
Hoping for good things for June as well.
Author's Response:
I've always had that ending in mind, and I can definitely see where it can be a little frustrating. I really have no plans to continue June's story, it just kinda ends there with all that ambiguity. I like to believe everything in the story got to both Juniper and April, and the sisters will eventually make changes, but I purposefully didn't want to end the story cleanly. Not everything wraps up nicely, and the sisters have to live with the events from then on.
Anyways. thanks for sticking with the story until the end.
Date: October 11 2015 1:27 AM Title: Let Them In
Loved it, shorter than what I had expected but you showcased so much, the emotions of being the tiny tormented sibling. I hope Juniper gets better treatment, but I have my doubts. You'vd shown to be one of the better authors on the site here and I look forward to whatever you have planned in your next stories!