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Reviewer: officerkc Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 13 2015 7:21 PM Title: Chapter 3. Therapy

Casey is crazy and her attitude towards the humans is terrifying. Would any thing they did help their survival at all? Doesn't seem like it. Her chapters seem typical giantess story stuff (which I don't mind). What would Kelly think? Does she even care anymore? Love it can't wait for more!

Author's Response:

As someone who made a review of Volume 2 said, Casey is a character of the Joker type (I wish she could be a fraction as well done as the Joker, of course, but I'm happy enough that she can be classified in his type). She was remarkably bad to start with, and through what has happened to her along the first volume and the time between its end and Volume 2, she has become a sadist psycho-bitch. She truly enjoys using her power to cause death and destruction. As you say, there is not too much humans can do to ensure their survival. It depends, exclusively, on how Casey is feeling at a certain moment.

The question of what would Kelly think is a very good one. It's hard to say, seeing how Kelly has been evolving. Deep inside, she would probably not care, but most likely she would let appearances guide her reaction and she would chastize Casey for her attitude. In the end, it would be nothing more than a way to try to show that she is the only one in charge, and hence the only one that can decide when it's right to kill and when it's not.

I hope that you keen enjoying what's coming.


Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: September 05 2015 4:20 PM Title: Chapter 3. Therapy

Nice chapter! Would have liked a bit more Lisa but that's just me. Casey focusing on torturing single individuals might actually be a good thing since it means a lower number of people dying to her.

Author's Response:


Casey is a sociopath. She is definitely the "worst person" of the three giantesses, but the truth is that if one looks at the number of victims alone, Kelly's presence has had much worse consequences so far. And her current size, one can imagine that things will keep getting even worse...

Having said this, and while she focused on some individual people during her rampage, Casey has jut razed an entire coastal town just for the sake of it...

As for Lisa, I can promise you this: she will appear more as the story progresses. And, in very few chapters you will have an entire long chapter devoted to her that I think you will enjoy.


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