Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: November 03 2015 2:23 AM Title: Tom's Story

@Carycomic, I'm not familiar with this "Tiny Dan's Zavia Tavar Lahrenger".

Reviewer: Cameron99 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 02 2015 8:44 PM Title: Tom's Story

Sorry, jolt on bus made me accidentally hit submit.


Bang youheads main character feels fear and feels like more of a real person wheras Tom doesn't feel remotely real and feels totally fake now, which along with all the threads going on is drawing me away from this story.


Sorry if this review upset you, I did my best not to be rude and to be constructive. I'm just not one to really hold back my true thoughts

Author's Response:

Thank for the review and taking time to share your thoughts and feelings. I am somewhat dismayed that I have taken what gad been an enjoyable story for you and moved it in a direction that has left you dissatisfied. Many other reviewers have commented on how one dimensional Tom is and the ease with which he seems to manipulate the females he encounters (except perhaps Janine). The introduction of the teacher is to provide an opportunity to enhance Tom's character by putting him in the hands of someone unmoved by his slick words. Her motivation to take him will be revealed and it is not my intent to leave him with this character indefinitely though it could happen I suppose. I thoroughly appreciate that you've invested in this story and shared your disappointment straight from the hip. I hope I am able to restore the vitality of this tale that captivated your attention early on. Thanks.

I am almost ready to release another story following a similar foundation but much less forgiving. Gypsy Ire  - Michael's Story

Reviewer: Cameron99 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 02 2015 8:41 PM Title: Tom's Story

This is my favorite story currently on the site, and I must admit I'm not particularly keen on.the newest chapter, and it may begin to finally make my interest wane after 30+ chapters. Personally have no interest in the teacher twist. The idea doesn't appeal to me sexually or from an enjoyment perspective. With Tess, Janine, Sam and Lina, and the backseat stuff about fixing Tom's size its just one moving part too many. 

Additionally I feel like there's a lack of character development with Tom. He's too much of a silver tongued devil, you'd think after essentially torture at Janine's hands he wouldn't be so quick to make almost every single line of dialogue hitting on every giant woman he meets. You'd assume he'd actually be more wanting to get fixed. 


I just kind of feel like the story has stagnated and is drawing out and adding yet another character taking Tom is counter productive to flow.


I am liking Bang your head much more right now as the main charay

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: November 02 2015 7:16 PM Title: Tom's Story

Lemme guess, this and the next chapter will bend my mind.

I say this because a giantess teacher has always been arguably my greatest fantasy.

The way, they have control over students and can "teach them a lesson" just sounds so sexy when you connect them together. Not to mention "detention" "tutoring" "after school help" "remedial lessons" "private lessons". So many examples where a giantess teacher can have her fun with a student alone.

Not just that, but when a teacher teaches and has a tiny pleasuring her and no one else can realize it just thrills me.

Miss Addison may have to close her "office hours" to students so she can have some more time with Tom.

My next question is how does Tom escape her? I mean, after Lina, Miss Addison seems like the next best giantess. I want her to teach Tom Anatomy 101 to him. So many possibilities! But for his escape, I'm not sure Tom can, especially since he underestimated her I the beginning. I think Tess or Janine have to get the hint soon. My guess is that Janine figures it out first.

But let's get the "disciplining" started!

Reviewer: Slacker28 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 02 2015 5:19 PM Title: Tom's Story

At this point Tess is going to put Tom inside of herself just to keep him safe rather than sex.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 26 2015 3:59 PM Title: Tom's Story

Hey man,

Just wanted to say congrats on your first story with 200 reviews!

Author's Response:

Woot, thanks Tom, lets see where this little story takes us eh?

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 25 2015 1:54 PM Title: Tom's Story

Wow, all of chapters 33-35 reviews got deleted. Even my "bend my mind review got deleted".

I can't really repost my review because of its length and detail, both my review of the Janine chapter was mostly criticism of how she knows too much.

Such as: Tess and Sam's schedules. And Tess's bathroom sharing roommate. Not sure how Janine knows that so well. I love her confidence in her plan though.

Author's Response:

Remember Janine is like Professor Moriarty clever, scary, plus remember she is friends with Tatiana, Astrid, Sam, and Tess, so no surprise about the shared bathroom, :)

Reviewer: Alethia1000 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 24 2015 7:09 PM Title: Tom's Story

Hello! You seen at Tom.s Story when put double chapter 33 andchapter 34 is absent? 

Author's Response:

Thanks for bringing the glitch to my attention. Unfortunately when fixing it I also deleted some reviews. To those who wrote and lost those reviews my apologies such was not my intent. Please feel free to repost that would be great. I also realize this is not new material though my fix has put this story back atop the most recent list. Thanks for your patience.

Reviewer: Northgate Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 24 2015 1:38 PM Title: Tom's Story

This story continues to entertain after 30 chapters and going strong.  I did find the Janine chapters the most "interesting" as you never knew what the limit was to her games with Tom.  Now she has had time to fantasize about him and I can't imagine what she might do if she gets her hands on him again.  Maybe she'll perfect her harness for him so she can wear him under her garments and keep him "safe". Whatever, I'm sure it will be good.

Keep it going and thank you!


Author's Response:

Thanks, FYI even Janine doesn't know her limits :O

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 21 2015 9:18 PM Title: Tom's Story

My mind is ready. :)

Author's Response:

It will happen in a few chapters, we'll see if you can wait that long... ;)

Reviewer: Peterparker Signed [Report This]
Date: October 15 2015 11:01 AM Title: Tom's Story

I also hope that this story is FAR from over:)

Author's Response:

There are still some plot twists coming but not sure how long this tale will be. We shall see

Reviewer: Peterparker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2015 10:47 AM Title: Tom's Story

I think Tess or someone should fart on him.. Either when he is trapped in the box with it or disposed in the back of her panties!! Farting teaches the tinies a lesson lol!! But so far so good! Add more booty and it will be an 11/10 lol I LOVE this story!! Add that ass gas hahaha

Author's Response:

I know you are a true dedicant to ass and gas. There will but play coming and I've another story in the works called Nasty as a request. The title says it all. Just going to wrap up a few stories before publishing anything new though.

Reviewer: cxwaves Signed [Report This]
Date: October 14 2015 6:09 PM Title: Tom's Story

Seriously. Someone finally needs to wipe that smirk of Tom's face.


Author's Response:

Lol, as i commented in another review, karma can be a bitch - a gigantic one.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12 2015 11:50 PM Title: Tom's Story

Ha, so Tom was inside after all. He certainly wasted no time in sexing up Sam right away, no shame at all!

Author's Response:

Tom is like a raging hormone, or as he would say, "Living the dream," and eventually some dreams can spiral out of control and become a nightmare.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 09 2015 12:14 PM Title: Tom's Story

Wow! I got to give credit to stargate for pointing out that there is a chance that Tom could not be in the case.

I never even thought of that! Good catch.

Now everyone is thinking about the case too. Haha.

I agree, I hope he is not in there too. Janine and Lina have built up quite a reputation to be great hosts of Tom so any of them would be great over Tess and Sam.

This case issue opens up so many possibilities! Is Tom in Lina's purse? Is Tom in the house still? Did Tom just hide in Lina's room? Did Tom jump into Lina's cleavage and she doesn't know?

Basically, every woman will be disappointed except Janine that Tom did NOT got to Tess. Sam wants her plaything, Tess wants her brother, and Lina wants him to stay away for a bit. Janine is the only one who benefits if Tom never left.

Duggernaut, if he wasn't in that case, then you fooled me big time. That would be the last thing I expected until I read Stargates review. Another thumbs up.

Now I really, really, can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Lol the uncertainty is helping spark conversation which is good. Consensus seems to generally be against Tom actually returning to Tess. Time will tell :)

Reviewer: cxwaves Signed [Report This]
Date: October 09 2015 12:01 PM Title: Tom's Story

Please don't let him be in that case.

Please let Janine have him !


Author's Response:

Never ever ever count Janine out ;)

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: October 09 2015 9:55 AM Title: Tom's Story

Plot twist: Tom is not inside. 

Author's Response:

A few reviewers seem inclined to think perhaps he is not. We shall see.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 01 2015 3:43 PM Title: Tom's Story


I totally forgot about the maid. I hope she does not get Tom. I prefer Lina, Janine, Sam, and then the maid.

I prefer the maid to be oblivious to this whole situation.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: September 27 2015 6:33 AM Title: Tom's Story

Still wondering when Tess will realise he is with Lina and not just missing. Janine knows now, so Tom better be living on Lina for the rest of his time there if he wants to remain safe. 

Author's Response:

It's starting to come apart at the Lindholm residence and things are going to change, soon

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 24 2015 7:36 PM Title: Tom's Story

I agree with both Shrinkstoryfan and Cameron.

First, panty entrapment is also my favorite thing to read about I honestly find that more exciting that insertion itself.

Second, I agree that this is also my favorite story on this site. (For obvious reasons.) :) yeah, I think Janine, will get Tom soon, but not yet. It's Lina's fun time. However, when Janine does get him back, I'm pretty sure I would love to see some anal insertion.

Author's Response:

Patience Tom, this story is about to twist, just make sure your seatbelt is properly fastened, :)

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