Date: August 17 2015 9:03 AM Title: Sisters
I hope this story isn't dead in the water! :( I miss the characters...
Author's Response:
Well, I got good news and bad news.
Good news: It's not dead.
Bad news: There's only one chapter left after this update
Date: July 14 2015 7:49 PM Title: Sisters
Really enjoying this story. I like the lead character and her relationship with her sisters. And the book containing another tiny person's life experiences is an interesting touch. Nice way to show the "big" sisters how the other half lives.
Author's Response:
Thanks! I was really worried on how I was going to incorporate the book into the narrative, so I'm glad it worked well enough as it did. Thanks for reviewring.

Date: July 13 2015 5:01 PM Title: Sisters
I'm sensing a shift but I will wait till the next chapter to see if I'm right.
Author's Response:
Things are definitely going to change at this point on.
Date: July 13 2015 10:13 AM Title: Sisters
Enjoyed getting yet another glimpse at a different tiny through the book's account (and speaking of which, I'd do unspeakable things to see you write something focusing on the boy June saw in May's classroom). I'm curious to see if April's revelation is able to turn things around for June, since it was my impression that May was perfectly aware of how unpleasant things are for her sister, even if April was lying to herself all this time. Strong stuff as usual from you.
Author's Response:
As tempted as I am, I think it's more effective if no further information regarding the boy and his sister is given. I like the mysterious allure to it, and I don't want to have people see Darth Vader build C-3PO. Although I'm not done with the sibling dynamics through shrinking, so I might write something similar in the future.
The story is mostly between April and June, and I left May to be a lot more static than the two, so if any change would come to her, April would be the best bet to lead and enforce it.

Date: July 13 2015 5:56 AM Title: Sisters
Finally. Finally some understanding.
I didn't leave a review on the last chapter, since I didn't actually catch it - I was wondering what took so long :P
I feel like you're gonna throw a twist here, just like you nearly made us think she was going to escape (you really convinced me,) and I'm wondering what it's going to be. Maybe there isn't one and it all goes happily ever after. Maybe not. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response:
We're getting to0- a better place for them, slowly, but we're getting there.
I also don't think June is 100% done with the idea of running away. The option is still there; she just couldn't do it at the time.
I don't have a machiavellian plot twist planned, but I do have some pretty neat stuff for the final chapters.
Date: July 13 2015 3:12 AM Title: Sisters
Oh, that is quite the twist! Poignant stuff, April just realised Juniper's life ain't so hot now. Question is will it lead to a change!
Author's Response:
It's definitely a step in the right direction, but Juniper needs to play her cards right or else it's back to the same old deal.