Reviews For .
Reviewer: sarashrunk Signed [Report This]
Date: July 04 2015 2:54 PM Title: 9
Author's Response:
Date: July 04 2015 2:54 PM Title: 9
Lauren can discover them and be a little evil. Farts would be cool.
Author's Response:
Sorry, but I'm probably not going to include farts :P hope you're not too upset.
Reviewer: Flaming_Heart Signed [Report This]
Date: July 02 2015 10:05 PM Title: 9
Date: July 02 2015 10:05 PM Title: 9
Kinda confused with the block chapter. Usually you space out you paragraphs perfectly. But this one is just a block of word, and it's not very fun to read.
Author's Response:
Yeah, that happened with chapter 8 too but I fixed it before it became an issue. As far as I know, its a copy/paste issue between word and giantessworld. I apologize for that. I hope you'll take the time to reread the chapter and hopefully enjoy it more this time around.