Date: June 19 2015 9:06 PM Title: Down Time
Congrats to June!
I wish her all the best on her escape attempt and hope it works out well for her.
Author's Response:
I do too, but I also wouldn't have subjected her to all that pain, so who knows what's going to happen. I do whatever makes the story interesting. Thanks for reviewing.
Date: June 19 2015 8:01 PM Title: Down Time
Love it. Nice to get some info on the mother to help give context for her family situation. It builds the world a little more. I liked how the interaction with April went too. Interesting to see June exhibit some agency, however small her influence.
And I'd watch the hell out of that sitcom. I almost found myself wishing it could've been fleshed out more here, if only to further illustrate the state of things in this world, though I understand it was serving a purpose for June's character. The jerk in me is sad to see June leave her sisters, since those previous chapters were so much fun, but from a narrative standpoint it seems like the logical thing for her to make her move.
Do go on!
Author's Response:
I'd give anything to see a show like that. It's hard to flesh out a world when your character has a very skewed view of it, so that sitcom definitely helps.
Funny you mention seeing more of it because it may or may not tie in to another story that I may or may not have also had around with the first few chapters of Junebug. Thanks for reviewing.
Date: June 19 2015 7:20 PM Title: Down Time
Welcome back, its pretty intense, With her difficult relationship with her mother coming up and how she feels she will never be Juniper again. The sitcom shows the plight of tinies is not even taking seriously, nice addition.
Author's Response:
Thanks! I was afraid that this chapter might have done way too much at once and feel disjointed.
Yeah that sitcom's not the best when it comes to treating it's tiny actors right, but people wpuld do anything to get on tv.