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Reviewer: The Shrunken Scholar Signed [Report This]
Date: June 03 2015 5:17 PM Title: 3

I'm looking forward to seeing where this story goes. I am most certainly a foot guy, so I'm excitedly waiting for when we reach that point. And I really want to know more about the mysterious orb.

Author's Response:

You're in luck! There will be a lot of orb-related stuff as well as some feet in there as well. Btw, I still need suggestions as to whose feet it will be my the story (that part isnt written yet :P ) Leave suggestions please! :D

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 03 2015 8:05 AM Title: 3

This looks great. Can't wait for the next park.


Author's Response:

Much appreciated! Be sure to check back every 4 days or so for the next chapter. :P

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