Date: May 22 2015 9:09 PM Title: People Things
I... Didn't see that coming. I honestly didn't think she was going to run away, but I know why she would. I think she was broken ages ago, and she was in this strange abusive relationship with her sisters.
I don't think she can do it, though.
By the way, do you already know how this story is going to end, or are you writing as you go?
Author's Response:
June definitely has her reasons to run.
I have an outline that covers major events, character points, etc., so I know the ending and how it plays out. I try to keep the outline loose enough so the story feels natural and even spontaneous on how it progresses. Anyway, thanks for reviewing.

Date: May 22 2015 6:40 AM Title: People Things
Run away? She should be grateful! Living at those two's feet is great!
Author's Response:
That's definitely one interpretation. Maybe she just needs some downtime. Thanks for reviewing.

Date: May 22 2015 6:09 AM Title: People Things
May's antics have struck me as more malevolent than not since the first chapter with her. Intellectually, she has to know that her tiny sister is in extreme discomfort when she keeps her in her shoe, but she just doesn't care. June is a toy to her, nothing more really.
April, on the other hand, seems to care a little, otherwise she wouldn't have bought and started reading a book to her. It obviously wasn't for that "favor", as she could have had her sister doing that for her regardless.
And that description you gave of June's physical condition... if her sisters could truly get a good look at her I imagine they'd be shocked at what they've done. Or at least April would. Not sure about May.
Author's Response:
You're right in that May's a lot more cruel than April, but at the base level they don't want her dead or even seriously hurt. They know their limits, and it's up for the reader to decide how much they really care, which is exactly why it's written like this. But yeah, her sister's definitely need a wake up call. Thanks for the review.

Date: May 22 2015 12:18 AM Title: People Things
Curious to see where this goes...
Author's Response:
Same here, we definitely have a first hand idea of what could happen if she doesn't succeed, and even if she does, what then?
Date: May 22 2015 12:07 AM Title: People Things
Oh wow, this sequence snaps back and forth through reality really helped Juniper make up her mind. Running away sounds pretty big but I just hope it leads her sisters to some sort of revelation that they treat her like crap.
Although this site isn't known for having the giant characters have a change of heart in treating the tiny ones better. I will be watching intently, to see if Juniper can even pull off an escape and find the city of tiny people.
Author's Response:
I'm actually pretty happy the little dream sequence turned out how it did. It definitely fuels her motivation to get out...other than the daily doses of hell.
I won't say much about the ending, but it'll be worth sticking with our little hero.
Funny enough you mention city of tiny people, cause I have another story on deck with something similar, but I'm waiting until I finish this, so all my efforts aren't divided.