Date: August 23 2015 10:37 PM Title: Epilogue
can you tell me how tall is kelly in last five chapters? I don't see any exactly number of her height.
Date: August 23 2015 10:36 PM Title: Epilogue
can you tell me how tall is kelly in last five chapters? I don't see any exactly number of her height.
Author's Response:
She is about 1,700 feet tall in the last two chapters. Prior to that, she was about 250 feet tall, like the other 2 women.

Date: June 06 2015 5:06 AM Title: Epilogue
OK I'm not writing this to complain you don't have the third story yet I'm just writing this to write. I understand it will be awhile before vol 3 gets released.but I think I miss the Saturday updates for your stories. Just like any of my favorite tv shows when a season ends. Lol. Loved the deviant art commish and would be excited to see what the other girls look like. Soren0 is pretty talented. I like a lot of his stuff. If/when you post vol3 I'll be the just like I was for first two (although I think I found the first one after you finished it)
Cheers bro
Author's Response:
Well, I'm happy that you felt like writing. I was checking the account after a few days (I do it from time to time... I confess that I check the views of the stories), and seeing a new comment was definitely very welcome.
I think it's safe to say now that Volume 3 will be released at some point. I have progressed quite a lot and managed to write drafts for a few chapters over the last couple or three weeks, and now I have line of sight for the complete story. I need to produce drafts for 3-4 more chapters to have a first complete draft of the story. And then, I will start with the process of re-reading and re-ordering and re-writing some parts. As I progressed, I already have some ideas in mind on how to make some changes to some of the first chapters. But the overall story, the pace and its ending are already clear in my head, so unless I suffer a really big lack of inspiration, it will be done.
Now... my objective is to complete the draft of the story in June. And I will basically be computer-less in July (a quite appealing idea, I must say...). If my inspiration is good enough, I may have something decent enough to start publishing it at some point in August. If I'm a little less inspired, it could be September.
The truth is that I had originally expected Volume 3 to be shorter than Volume 2. To start with, Volume 2 is quite long, and it had quite a lot of character development. Besides, Kelly's size in Volume 3 is harder for me to write, since I tend to like her 250 feet size more. In the end, it's quite likely that Volume 3 turns out to be a little longer. And while I still have quite a lot of work to do for it to have the right quality, I start to believe that it will be a good ending of the trilogy.
I need to thank you once again for your regular and very encouraging feedback. The combination of the praise (everyone likes it, no matter what some may say :P) and the constructive feedback on the development of the story has always been great. And you can be sure that it's because of your feedback and that of a few other people that have been regularly reviewing the story that I was encouraged to go ahead with Volume 3.
So, thank you.
Finally: I like a lot SorenZer0's art and I already ordered a few more pics of Kelly to him. I also plan on commissioning Lisa and Casey to be modelled, so that I can later on commission a few scenes with them too. It will be done, eventually... in the end, it's a matter of when to put the money for this.
Cheers! Hope to be able to keep talking to you regularly! :)