Date: May 12 2015 7:55 PM Title: Chapter 23. Above
OK I'm not even sure I'm allowed to make comments in the review section. I've treated your "spoilers" just like the star wars episode 7 trailer. I've looked at each word thought about what you could have meant. Thought about what you wanted us to think about it. I really do hope you get to chapter 3 as these are my favorite stories on this site.
So I've been thinking about the "epilogue" chapter. Wondering if you were gonna leave us with this goddess Kelly, Lisa and Casey as enforces while most of the world has come to accept the new leadership there is an underground resistance still working to fix the shrink formula.... Ahh I cant wait. Thanks for the great stories. I've looked forward to these just like I looked forward to the weekly walking dead shows. Hope to hear from you soon.
Author's Response:
Well, to me it's perfectly fine if you want to make comments in here :)
I'm happy that you have this story in such a high consideration. I was reasonably satisfied with Side Effects when I wrote it, which was the reason I decided to post a story in a public site for the first time, but I was not expecting such great feedback from some of the readers. I need to say that I'm even a little overwhelmed :)
There is nothing that could encourage me most to write Volume 3 than the regular and very positive feedback that some readers like you have been providing. So, I will do my best to have it done and to make it good enough to be published. And, at the same time, there are other stories I have in mind. So, don't worry, you will hear from me soon. I hope that you will continue enjoying what I write and that you will continue reviewing.
P.S. Just to show how "committed" I am to Side Effects, I recently commissioned a render for a scene in one of the Chapters in Volume 2 to SorenZer0. He already posted in in his DeviantArt page. I plan on commissioning some more!

Date: May 12 2015 12:29 AM Title: Chapter 23. Above
Wow. I normally hate mega giantesses but Kelly is the perfect goddess. Can't wait to see what she has Casey and Lisa do for her or what she does with them.
The amount of destruction and fatalities she caused was mind boggling. I don't even think a nuclear bomb will stop her now. Only downside is that she can't properly interact with her subjects but that's what Lisa and Casey are for. They will be her entertainment or can round up some tinies for her amusement.
Will you explain what Kelly did to kill herself? I kinda curious about that because the army weapons seemed to have no effect and I can't imagine she used something to slit her wrists. Maybe she swallowed something to choke... But whatever the case, she showed extreme devotion to staying a giantess and almost disregard for her own life.
PS probably never gonna happen but I'd still like to see Casey reunited with Kevin.
Author's Response:
The truth is that I very much prefer Kelly's previous size, as well. I like writing about women in the 100-300' height range precisely because I think it's the perfect balance between power and ability to interact with the population. When I was thinking on the storyline for Volume 2, though, I ended up concluding that the best way to finish the story was to make the shrinking formula fail and to make Kelly grow instead of shrink. The storyline for the 250' height was already exhausted and this change opened a new world of possibilities. This will force me to write about a size I don't like so much and I don't feel so comfortable with, but I decided the challenge was worth.
Having said this, I enjoyed writing this chapter. It was different, and interesting. There will be much more about Kelly at her new size (including some explanation on how she got so big), and also more about Casey and Lisa. But it won't be in Volume 2... I did not want the story to go on forever, so I decided to wrap it up at a point where it made sense and where it could be considered self-contained. This point will be the epilogue next week.
The adventures of Kelly, Casey and Lisa will continue in Volume 3 (I'm optimistic that I will be able to complete something good enough to publish), and if the idea I have in mind right now proves to work well, you might finally see the reunion of Casey with Kevin, her ex-boyfriend :)
As a matter of fact I have an outline for Volume 3 already in mind and a few chapters already written. It will take some time before I have something to publish, but I'm working on it.
I hope that you will enjoy the conclusion of Volume 2 next week and what I have in mind for Volume 3!

Date: May 09 2015 8:12 AM Title: Chapter 23. Above
So Kelly's even bigger now!? And it doesn't seem like she's too worried about killing/hurting anyone, even innocent people who aren't attacking her if she kills them by accident (the people in that crumbled building).
At this point its looking like she's not going out of her way to kill anyone, unless the attack her, but if she kills or hurts someone by accident then tough shit for them! Also, I think she's just looking for excuses to flaunt her power, killing people that "attack" her is just an excuse...At least shes not as bad as Casey that needs no reason, but she's almost as bad in my opinion.
How is anyone supposed to stop her now when she's even bigger and more powerful? They haven't nuked her yet I don't think. If anything would have any effect it would have to be that but I'm not even sure that would kill her at this point.
Anyway, great chapter yet again!
Author's Response:
Yes, she is much bigger! Even if it's not revealed in the chapter, Kelly didn't really want to get as big as she did. She knew that she needed to get bigger if she wanted to have her will prevail over Casey's and Lisa's. The fact that she got so big was up to some point an accident. She had a "more manageable" size in mind.
As you mentioned, once she got this big, her point of view and her attitude have evolved, pretty much without her actively noticing. She is much less worried about hurting or killing innocent people. True, the only ones she kills on purpose are the ones who attack her. But with her new size it's much harder for her to avoid killing innocent people that just did not do anything to her, and she does not care. With her new size, people have become so small and killing them has become so easy, that her mind just blocks any feeling of guilt at the consequences of her actions. It's like a defense mechanism, if you will. Or it could also be that megalomania has finally completely taken over Kelly and her mind is getting less attached to reality...
As for your comment that she seems to be looking for excuses to flaunt her power... I tend to agree. She would probably not agree at this point. Not yet. Kelly still tries to find justifications for her actions, tries to convince herself that she is still guided by some sort of moral compass. But with nothing and no one to challenge her anymore, it would seem that her morals are adapting to her actions rather than her actions adapting to her morals... And while Casey is plain evil, in the sense that she doesn't have any morals at all, Kelly is at risk of becoming almost as bad (with the added circumstance that with her new size, Kelly's ability to kill and destroy has grown exponentially).
In any case, I'm happy that you enjoyed this chapter!
As you know, I do not typically reveal anything of what is going to happen in the story, but as in the case of the previous reviewed, I feel I owe you some explanation on where the story is going, since you have been such a great reviewer and support as I posted the story. Next week's chapter is going to be the last one in Volume 2. It will be a short chapter, an epilogue. It's purpose will be to close the story for Volume 2 and set the scenario for Volume 3.
Differently than Volume 1, the girls are not going to shrink in the epilogue next week. They will stay their current sizes. So, Volume 3, if it is ever done and published, will basically take the story from the point where Volume 2 finishes. In next week's chapters there will be some hints at what humanity is working on to try to stop the girls. As you say, with her new size and power, Kelly is almost unstoppable now. It's not as if people won't try, though.
I'm moderatly optimistic that Volume 3 will eventually be published. If it is, it will close the story (I'm not going to go longer than a trilogy). It may take some time to get something complete enough so that I decide to start posting. I will be interested in any feedback or suggestions you can provide, as usual. My favorite size to write was the one the three women had at the beginning of the story (150-300 feet tall). Kelly's current size is interesting but to me, it is more challenging. I like writing about the interaction between giantesses and the "regular" world and people and at Kelly's current size, this is going to be a challenge for Kelly (and for me!). I like challenges, though, so let's see if I can complete the final chapter of the trilogy and how it looks like.

Date: May 09 2015 6:14 AM Title: Chapter 23. Above
Great frickin chapter. I hope we get a chapter of Kelly as the goddess next week. This was a great chapter. Kelly is now an unstoppable goddess. Will the people start to cave to her demands until they can get reducer that works? Wonder what Casey and Lisa are doing whileb Kelly went to take on military?! Great chapter. As always can't wait for the next one
Author's Response:
Well, I'm afraid that in order to see what Kelly does as a Goddess or what Casey and Lisa do while Kelly deals with the military... you will need to wait for Side Effects Volume 3. I don't typically anticipate what is going to happen, but we have almost reached the end of the journey for Volume 2 and you have been a great support with your comments and your encouragement over the last months, so I feel like I owe it to you :). Next week's chapter will be the last one and it will "just" be an epilogue for the story, shorter than usual. It will close a couple of loose strings and set the scenario for the next story.
As with Volume 1, I did not want to have a story that would go on forever. I don't like posting a story if I don't know that I will be able to complete it. So, before I posted Volume 2, I made sure that I drafted a complete story that ended at some point and that could be considered self-contained. This point will be the one in the epilogue next week. Differently from Volume 1, though, the girls are not going to be reduced at the end of the story... which means that Volume 3, if it ever exists, will take it from the place Volume 2 finished.
My intention is to write Volume 3. But I won't be able to promise anything before I have a draft that I feel happy with. It would not be the first time I get stuck while writing a story and, again, I won't post anything I'm not able to complete. Right now I have an outline already drafted and have written the first few chapters (what is probably around a third of the story), so I'm reasonably optimistic. In any case, it will be a while before I will have anything ready to post.
Having said this, I will greatly appreciate any comments and suggestions regarding where you see this series going.